You can spot various home landscapes that love to keep hardy cedar since it has strong popularity because of its unattractiveness. And guess what! These trees are fairly simple to grow and maintain on good levels.

But no matter how beautiful you dream your landscape to look like, winter plays its harsh level cards on every tree and cedars are no exception here as well. If you have enough knowledge to take care of these cedar trees during the cold harsh season then you can save the lives of these precious evergreens.

This way you can keep the beauty of your property maintained without disgracing the value of it and enjoying family time in the lap of nature. Just in case you weren’t aware of such tips and want to remove the trees with the help of tree removal Sydney and take care of them from next season.

Tips to take care of cedar trees during winter:

People prefer to get evergreens like cedar to their home landscape to add color and beauty in winters. There are various types of cedars available across the country and everyone can get their hands on one based on their likes and dislikes, especially looking at the process involved in taking care of them. Let’s look at the different type of cedar found from coast to coast and how one can take care of them:

1.Atlantic white cedar

This cedar has a bluish-free color which is grown all along with the eastern country coastal states where it can reach the height of 40 to 60 feet with a wide length of 10 to 20 feet. When it comes to the soil requirement you can provide moist, well-drained, and have good tolerance against drought. They love daily intake of sunlight for six or even more hours and it shows the best growth rate in the 4 to 7 zones. Songbirds and white-tailed deer love to spend their time with this.

2.Alaska cedar

With this northwest tree, you would notice a soft, wispy texture along with a blue-green cast that prefers its best growth in zones 4 to 7. This pyramidal-shaped tree also needs regular mulching of a 2-3 inch layer of shredded hardwood. If your area faces cold and high winds then this cedar won’t be able to last long there. This is because such harsh winter winds can put damage on the needle or branch desiccation or in some cases can be the reason for their death.

3.Deodar cedar

Individuals love to make this evergreen a part of their home landscape for its weeping habit and an amazing growth rate of 40 to 50 feet tall as well as 20 to 30 feet wide. Such types of cedar trees are widely popular amongst the people from North and South Carolina as well Georgia whereas the zone preference 7 through 11.

If you are looking to get a deodar cedar then ensure you have dry, sunny spots, clay soils with an acidic pH preference. However, do not misunderstand dry conditions by providing them wet feet. You need to fertilize them annually and only necessary pruning is required with dead, diseased, or damaged branches or the one where you have to do the clearance to promote good growth during spring. For the southern part, this is considered to be a great cedar.

4.Eastern red cedar

You can spot these cold-hardy evergreens at multiple places preferred by individuals for their home landscape in zone 3 through 9. This beautiful cedar makes a perfect choice as well and they are quite salt-tolerant where you can find them in varied sizes from shrubs to large trees. The first choice for this cedar would be well-drained soil and a minimum of six hours of sun daily.

This eastern red cedar with prickly, silver-blue foliage goes through a transition in its color during the growing season and shows bronzy-green during winter. You can also see blueberry-like balls filled with seeds are an absolute favorite for various birds and wildlife that go there on female trees throughout the winter.


This beautiful landscape tree has aromatic needles, dark green color with flat and shiny look is a perfect ask for large space and formal landscape beds that go through the zone 5 and 8. Height wise they can go on to grow 30 feet or more and about 15 to 30 feet wide. These trees can go on to stay with you for long under full sun to partial shade.

6.Port Orford cedar

This specific cedar loves the company of warm, dry summers as well as cool, wet winters along with abundant soil moisture. This cedar prefers slightly acidic soil and clay loams. You can plant this cedar outside of its natural ranges where they are more prone to disease or freezing if not taken care of properly.