Social Media Marketing

1. Using social media to list a property is very easy. Whenever you want to post something on your company or personal Facebook page, copy and paste the URL of your property listing. If you take this action, all of the people who have liked your page or are in contact with you will see your property.

2. Keeping your readers informed about your business and industry as well as posting regular articles will position you as an expert real estate agent with great expertise.

3. Lead generation is one of the best ways to use Facebook. A variety of social media strategies can be utilized to engage and encourage the user to share his or her contact information. The exchange may be a free home evaluation or a listing of foreclosed homes in a certain area.

4. The use of Social Media marketing provides advertisers with the ability to target users both geographically and demographically as well as based on their interests. An effective social media marketing campaign can result in a large number of leads at an affordable price when properly designed and implemented.

5. Tweeting is another option for social media advertising. A significant benefit of tweeting is that it is considerably cheaper than Facebook.

6. A significant advantage of LinkedIn is that it is ideal for network building. By creating a network on LinkedIn, you can generate quality leads. It is said that a person’s network is what matters most.


1. You can have a tremendously positive impact on increasing the likelihood of those visiting your web page to reach out to you by creating and posting client video testimonials stating your expertise, achievements, the advantages of choosing you instead of your competitors, and informative real estate tips.

2. Using YouTube and Facebook video ads can help you advertise your video clips on Google’s display network. Social media can also be used to share and promote these video clips.

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1. Writing a good blog has become an integral part of any online marketing solution and real estate lead generation. Lead generation can be done effectively through blogs. Blogs should be maintained regularly. To secure its effectiveness, it is imperative to post a blog at least once a month. By providing your clients with helpful information on your blog, you will increase their loyalty and trust in you.-Blogs provide you the opportunity to appear on more relevant real estate search terms.

Real Estate SEO

1. With SEO, you can optimize your real estate website so that it appears on the top ten search results pages for relevant real estate keywords, like “Homes for Sale in Laval” and “Real Estate Agent in Montreal“. Include relevant real estate keywords in your website’s title, headline, and content.

2. Getting good real estate websites to link to yours is a good SEO practice; you can achieve that by hiring an SEO agency or scheduling time every week to deal with getting quality sites to link to yours.

Real Estate Web Design Layout and Features

1. Giving away your business cards to potential clients will increase the likelihood that they will visit your website before they call or contact you. Your Real Estate Web Design must therefore present the properties you are listing for sale and the value you offer to your customers clearly. Users should be able to navigate your real estate agent website easily with an easy-to-use menu.
2. On most if not all pages, there should be more than one lead capture form with different call-to-actions.
3. Sell real estate properties in their cities or areas by letting your potential clients know that you have extensive real estate experience.
4. Make a meet the team page that includes a fun and creative paragraph about each member of your team. Be sure to convey that you will provide your client with an easy and enjoyable experience whether they are buying or selling real estate.
5. Include any community work you have done in the communities where the majority of your business comes from.

Pay Per Click Marketing

  1. Agents and agencies can advertise on any relevant search term using Google AdWords and Pay Per Click advertising, providing exposure for their properties while keeping you in front of significant prospects. You may set a daily budget for advertisements and target them by cities, areas, and postal codes.
  2. Create personalized and effective PPC landing pages to complement your PPC campaigns.

With our website development services, we help agents generate valuable buyer and seller leads. Every serious agent needs a professional website. Feel free you may contact with Montreal SEO Agency in Quebec Province. Our experts will help you to grow your business and find out valid and valuable leads for your company.