No matter how perfect a craftsman did his job, some brush marks still show up on the furniture items that finished with Polyurethane. But some simple ideas can help the craftsman to remove brush marks without undoing a day’s work.

Sanding is the best solution to eliminate ridges and lines created by the brush marks without damaging the finishing quality. In addition, a simple coating of finish after your sanding can disguise the area.

Step by Step Guidelines to Remove Brush Marks from Polyurethane

Brush Marks from Polyurethane

Here is a simple step-by-step guide for removing the brush marks from your furniture pieces from polyurethane finish.

First Step

Never forget to wear gloves to prevent your hands from contacting chemicals and choosing a clean place to do your job. If not possible, a particular place, then wait for some hours before doing that job until you see the polyurethane material become dry.

Now sand down all the smaller and prominent brush marks gently with the use of fine-grit sandpaper when you are applying the sandpaper; never forget to apply pressure, but gently.

If you will not apply pressure, then sanding work will not be excellent and clear. Make sure you have used pressure to make an even surface.

Second Step

The next step is to brush the sanded area off with a clean but soft cloth; if you see dirt and grit marks, remove them with a soft cloth gently. These tiny particles can easily found under the finish and can ruin your efforts.

Third Step

Now dip your brush in polyurethane material and apply that polyurethane finish lightly to the brush. But make sure you have correctly wiped off the polyurethane from the brush if there is any extra. Light applying polyurethane will ensure that your area does not get too much finish.

Fourth Step

Now apply the polyurethane finish gently over all the sanded area. But try to use fewer brush strokes as much as possible. You may need to apply many light coats to get the desired effect, but it is better to apply light coats than thick coats.

You can easily adjust the coating if you apply a light coat, but it can ruin your work and give an evil look if you have applied the thick coat. But no worry if you have mistakenly applied the thick coat, then use the rag to lightly swipe at the surface until you see that the surface becomes even.

Once you have done your job and then allow the polyurethane finish to dry, it is better to leave it overnight. But if you cannot wait overnight, read the reviews here, then give a minimum of 4 hours to dry. A dry surface will show you the natural effect, and if needed, you can apply more light coats.

Fifth Step

Now thoroughly examine the dried area for the brush marks, if there are some marks still appearing on the furniture surface, then do further re-sanding, but if everything is okay, you have done your job best.

What are the best ways to remove the brush marks of the polyurethane finish?

You may find many ways that expert artisans recommend, but there are no better options than sanding and light re-coating to remove brush marks from polyurethane finish.

If there appear pop bubbles of polyurethane, you can easily remove them with the tip of a paintbrush. But for the flattened bubbles, it is best to use 220-grit sandpaper to flatten bubbles. But consider all the precautions to avoid reoccurring.

How to manage brush strokes when polyurethane is too thick?

If you see that polyurethane material is thicker, then thin it with paint thinner and mix the solution with a paint stir stick. Never apply when the polyurethane material is too thick because it will leave marks after the finish.

Dip the brush lightly and also remove extra polyurethane material from the bristles before applying it on the surface. It is better to apply many coats instead of fewer thick coats over the wooden surface.

How can you apply polyurethane to minimize the brush marks?

apply polyurethane

If you do your polyurethane finish job perfectly, then you can easily minimize the brush marks. It is best to use the bristle brush to apply the first coat of polyurethane on an extended surface and apply broad strokes.

Please do not go for thick application at first; start with a thin application of polyurethane; it will go evenly and neither pools nor drips. When coating, make sure you have applied the coat over the entire surface.

Once you have finished your job, wait until the polyurethane material becomes dry. Take a look at your work and apply some more coats if needed.

Final Thoughts

Commonly, brush marks appear after you have done the polyurethane finish. How perfect you did your job, you will see some brush marks on the surface. You may try different tricks to get rid of such brush marks.

But if you follow our above instructions, you can easily remove the trim and even more significant brush marks from the polyurethane finish.