A personal statement is one of the most incumbent parts of a university application in this day and age. As a student, you might be under the impression that your university grades or scores come before everything else. However, a compelling personal statement can make all the difference between a selected and unselected candidate with almost the same grades.

If this piece of information has dropped on your senses like a bombshell, do not fret too much. In this blog, we have got you covered. We would not only not take you through the process of writing an excellent personal statement but we will also craft it according to your requirements and aspirations.

Thus, if you want to have something that you could submit with complete confidence, read on!

What is a personal statement?

A personal statement is the heart and soul of your college application. It helps you explain why you have picked a particular course and what you aim to learn from it. Furthermore, it gives you a chance to explain why you stand out among everyone else or why you are a more suitable candidate than others.

You must write only one personal statement, which would be read by the university you would apply to. However, if you are applying to more than one subject, you ought to include standard references and themes that these subjects include.

Personal statements are also essential if you are opting for a competitive course. That is because courses like those are usually high in demand, and without proving your eligibility, you cannot make admission tutors pay much importance to you.

It is also worth mentioning that there is a limit to what you write in your statement. Ideally, a person’s statement is required to have 4,000 characters and 47 lines. Now, this may seem a bit too much, but you will find yourself excluding a lot of the details once you start with it.

Now that you have understood what a personal statement is and have gotten a vague idea regarding how you can craft it, you might be looking for some secret tips to make it more attractive than others.

Fortunately, we have collected some for you.

1. Plan the things you want to cover in your statement

To come up with an impactful personal statement, the very first thing you need is a plan. It might sound easy, but truthfully planning is the trickiest step as it requires you to simultaneously ponder over a multiplicity of factors.

To make matters easier, here are some of the questions you should ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What do you feel like studying?
  2. What makes the specific university suitable for your personality and interest?
  3. What interests do you have, and which skills do you need to approach them?

Answering the aforementioned questions will help you form the spine or base for your personal statement. You can either be technical about it and make bullet points or be artsy and use the answers to create an elaborate mind map.

Either way, your aim should be the same, i.e., clearing your head regarding the course and making sure you know why you want to opt for the field and how it can help you carve your future.

2. Show off your experiences and skills

Sometimes you ought to add a few things to your statement, and sometimes, you don’t. Plus, there is also a fine line between the things that need to be added and those you must refrain from including.

You sure have gone to a reputable institution, and you must have acquired impressive qualifications. However, you do not need to boast about them in your personal statement.

That is because so many students have acquired impressive scores, and mentioning it makes you no different from the rest. As a matter of fact, it only makes you blend in with the crowd. On the other hand, what you have done reflects your ability and persona. Your experience and achievement are more important to mention.

Here is a checklist of things you can use as a guide:

  1. Your inclination for the course and the reasons why you are considering spending three to four years of your life studying it.
  2. The extracurricular activities you have taken part in and how they exhibit your interest in the applied field.
  3. Your relevant work experience and the non-vocational courses you have taken.
  4. Qualities and skills needed to ace in that field.
  5. Be confident about your achievements

While writing your statement, you ought to let the reader know that you believe in your capabilities and are pretty confident about the milestones you have so far achieved.

We would not suggest you conceal your qualities behind the false curtain of modesty. It is the time to unleash your inner Muhammad Ali and say  ‘I am the greatest’ with your writing. However, it is crucial not to let your language overshadow the facts or make you sound delusional.

Reach out to Writemyessay4me

Hopefully, this blog helped you understand the factors you need to pay attention to while writing an excellent personal statement. However, if you are too caught up with more pressing issues like jobs, studies, and bills, you should reach out to us at Write My Essay 4 Me.

We are a group of expert writers who are 24/7 available to provide you with all kinds of writing services. So be it personal statement services, Essay writing services, or character description, Writemyessay4me has got it all covered.