Sword. The Obsidian and leaf-bladed swords are strong contenders for RuneScape gold this weapon. This weapon is similar to the leaf bladed sword. But, I’m not sure what the specific attack will be. Hasta. It will definitely be released alongside any Barbarian/Fremennik-related quest. It will be a powerful jab. It will make use of 50 or even 100 percent of the bar and do double damage. It would hit any target smaller than the first one and penetrate through. If it was hitting bigger targets, it would hit twice and cause double damage. The second hit will always cause only half the damage to the target.

Kiteshield. Not sure if this has a real reason, considering we already have the DFS, and the various Spirit shields. The shield could represent wealth and strength, as it is non-degradable.

Interesting question I saw on the Runescape website (see below); I wouldn’t have thought of asking the question. Jagex Mod Fetzki has decided to scrap the idea. Sproeipoep69 asks: Will players ever have the ability to re-do the same quest (without getting the reward again) because they are enjoyable to complete and you’ve made a few changes on them?

Mod Fetzki. It was something we wanted to know if players be willing to repeat any quests, without being rewarded with an extra reward. We have modified the Fur and’ Seek quest to allow you can go back and replay the boss fight while also receiving some experience. However, most players don’t find it more exciting than the skilling aspect, so it is not clear that this big project would be popular by the gaming community.

This is a topic that I find challenging. It’s worth the time so that players can go through the same experience again, or to create something new. We believe that quests need to be expanded to provide more rewards as well as better cutscenes. This will enable players to enjoy the game, which can bring more pleasure. The idea of buy 2007 runescape gold replaying quests will be something we keep in mind.