Remodeling any part of the house is overwhelming. The process of designing, shopping, and constructing is a time taking and exhausting process and requires proper attention. If you are bored with your bathroom and want to add glitz to it, this article will help you with that. There are several steps behind designing anything, and you have to give proper time and effort in making a solid plan and fix it during execution. It is a long and tedious procedure; so buckle up yourself. You can remodel your bathroom yourself or you can hire a Remodeler who can help you with the designing of the bathroom.

Design a proper layout. Before going on to the design, you should finalize the spots of each setup, like the sink, shower, mirror, countertop, and shelves according to your convenience.  It would help if you planned everything depending upon the space you have and not overcrowd your bathroom. You should not go over the top if you have a smaller space as it looks congested which is not what you would want. Instead, you should go for functionality over looks when it comes to the bathroom. For example, most people prefer double sinks, but that can only happen at some places due to space restrictions. Decide the number of sinks you want to install before anything else; so the rest of the things are planned according to that.

Every individual wants something different when it comes to the theme. So, it is slightly more complicated if more than one person is included in the theme’s decision-making. But come up with something which is in between and figure out the theme that you would want. For example, if you want your bathroom to look aesthetic, all the installations should match each other,; so carefully design and shop for the items keeping in mind the bathroom’s theme. You can find various options on Google and Pinterest or with the help of your Bathroom remodeler; do proper research and finalize one theme or style. If you install more than one sink, you can make one sink slightly smaller, so that it doesn’t take too much space and looks pleasing. But if you want to install only one sink, do proper research and choose the sink which suits you the best according to your own needs. Then, choose the type, style, color, and size of the sink after proper research. Lighting and mirror are the two most important factors that make an ordinary bathroom look aesthetic.


Choose the appropriate tone and size of light. You don’t need to install only one tone and one size. You can add variations to them. The size of the mirror is very significant. If you like to get ready in your washroom; then, the mirror should be more of a sit-down mirror where you can sit down and do your makeup with ease if you like a head-to-toe vision of yourself. Then long length mirror is appropriate for you. So decide and choose the perfect mirror for yourself.

You don’t have to settle for one light or one mirror. You can have multiple lights and multiple mirrors according to the space you have. The first thing that anyone notices about your bathroom is the main door. So make it look presentable and beautiful and keep it practical. The door style can be contrasting to the bathroom, but it should look good and not tacky from any angle. Choose a stainless steel handle for the bathroom door as it is water and corrosion-resistant.

Apart from looks, a bathroom should be easy to use and functional. Calculate the number of products you would like to store in the bathroom and design the cabinets accordingly so that everything fits. They should match the aesthetic of the whole bathroom and should have enough storage space. Wallpaper and tiles should be contrasting to the installations. If the installation is subtle, you can go funky with the wallpaper and tiles, but if it is over the top fancy, it is advisable to keep the wallpaper and tiles simple.

Planning, designing, shopping, and installing the products and making a bathroom is exhausting and tiring for sure. Everything takes time and proper planning, from deciding the theme, shopping for the products, and installing Cabinets. But when it is entirely done, the satisfaction you get is underrated because you create something from scratch with your heart and soul, so that execution should be well thought, well put, and well-executed. Of course, there are several “OH NO” moments that happen during the whole process. But you should not lose hope as everything comes in place in time if you are patient and confident. And, after all, the pleasure of remodelling overpowers all the stress.