“Man boobs or Gynecomastia “ is a condition that forces men around the world wear loose T-shirts or Shirts and develops a sense of embarrassment in them regarding their aesthetics, men who are suffering from this condition try different workout routines specifically meant for shaping their chest area but all of their hard labour goes to vain when nothing happens as this condition cannot be treated by doing exercise, it could help in reducing some fat but to completely get rid of this condition they have to go through Gynecomastia surgery which is safe and proven to give the desired results.

What is Gynecomastia?

  • Gynecomastia or Man boobs is a condition in which a man’s chest starts appearing like a woman’s breasts primarily due to some hormonal changes. When the level of Testosterone (Male Hormone) is not optimum compared to the level of Estrogen (Female hormone) then the male will start facing the problem of Man boobs or Gynecomastia.
  • This condition can also be the by-product of excessive alcohol intake, Obesity, and Klinefelter syndrome, etc.

Types of Gynecomastia or Man boobs:

    1. Glandular Gynecomastia: It happens because of the excess amount of estrogen( female hormone) in the person, because of this the shape of a man’s chest starts looking like a woman’s breast as it will decrease the Male Hormone ( testosterone) due to which more fat starts accumulating in the chest area making the chest heavier around the nipples and brings shagginess.


  • Fatty Gynecomastia: Excessive fat sometimes is the main reason behind the Man Boobs, in this not the breast gland tissue but excessive fat deposition around the lower Pecs region in a man’s chest is the reason behind the disorder. It is also known as Pseudo Gynecomastia, having liposuction in the affected area can reduce the chest fat and gives the patient a perfect chest shape.


Procedure for Gynecomastia or Man boobs surgery:

At Dezire clinic following steps are being followed during the treatment:

  • First, proper markings are being given to the chest area which is to be treated. 
  • After that anesthesia(either general or local) is provided to the patient, then small incisions are made below the areolar region.
  • Then hi-def VASER probe is inserted to break the heavier or tough fat for giving better contours to the chest region.
  • A liposuction cannula is now inserted through the incision and moves back and forth, to suck the fat out of the chest area a high negative vacuum suction machine is employed.
  • Then the gland removal is done by enlarging the incision so as to neglect the chances of getting it again.
  • At the end sutures are placed in the incisioned area, proper dressing is done after that.

Post-treatment Precautions:

After going through the surgery you have to follow certain instructions that are mentioned over here or as suggested by your surgeon.

  • Avoid lifting heavy weights after the surgery.
  • Avoid gym workouts for 3-4 days or as suggested by your surgeon.
  • Follow the instructions of your doctor properly.
  • Avoid alcohol intake and smoking.

Cost of Man boobs or Gynecomastia surgery:

The cost of the Gynecomastia surgery depends upon various factors some of them mentioned over here:

  • Liposuction technique used in the treatment
  • Anesthesia given
  • Compression Garments used
  • Surgeon’s Qualification
  • Location of the clinic
  • Type and grade of Gynecomastia 

WHY choose Dezire clinic:

Dezire Clinic is an ISO certified clinic and Dr. Prashant Yadav who is the director of the Dezire clinic is an expert in doing complicated surgeries with ease, he uses the most advanced and latest HI-DEF VASER liposuction technique to help patients to get rid of the Gynecomastia or Man boobs at an affordable cost. If you are also looking for Gynecomastia surgery think of none other than Dezire clinic whose branches are in Pune, New Delhi, Bangalore, and Ahmadabad. Do reach out to us by dialing (9717470550) or you can ping us an email at ([email protected]).