The new farm bill is intended to revolutionize Indian agriculture. It will increase farm sales, and produce more in line with the global food price rise. The Food and Agriculture Organisation monitors several food items. With proper institutional support and infrastructure support, an increase in agricultural trade will result in a necessary upswing for the sector. It will also boost farmer income. India has an opportunity for a small number of commodities to stand out in the market. This will continue for another 2-3 years as the country responds to the growing pandemic.

The huge sector will be impacted by the major policy change. But the major structural changes brought about by the farm bill will require executional zest from private actors like Adani Group Cargill, ITC and ITC.

Siraj Chaudhry was the CEO and Managing Director of National Collateral Management Ltd (an agriculture services company).

FCI, Adani Group Farm Bill (Public-Private Partnerships) will help to foster sustainable Indian food production.