Mattress buying can be a hectic exercise. With so many options, technologies, and your own particular needs it becomes hard to pick the best mattress 

Given the kind of long-term commitment a mattress is, you would want the mattress to be a perfect fit for you. Hence, spending some time researching the available options and figuring out your specific needs can be extremely rewarding in the long run

While both back support and orthopaedic mattress do the basic job of keeping your spine aligned, they are different in many respects and are designed to suit the need for a different set of sleepers.

Support Mattress

The back support mattress is firm and medium-firm based on the preference of the sleeper. A widely accepted myth is the firmer the mattress the better it is, which is not really the case. Even when you choose the most firm mattress and it does not provide proper support to your spine and is uncomfortable to lie on, you will have disrupted sleep and an unrested body.

The mattress is specifically built to provide optimum support to your body after a hectic and tiring day by keeping your spine aligned and automatically contouring to your body to enhance your quality of sleep. 

Orthopaedic Mattress

These mattresses are helpful in relieving joint pain, back pain, and other medical conditions. 

An orthopaedic mattress is a great fit for people with back pain as it supports the healthy alignment of body posture while sleeping. Apart from great spinal alignment, orthopaedic mattresses also provide optimum support by redistributing the bodyweight evenly. With the firmness of the mattress, the lungs also expand freely leading to better blood flow in the body while sleeping. 

There is also a need to tread with caution while buying an orthopaedic mattress, as many mattress dealers sell firm mattresses as orthopaedic mattresses. This is why you should trust and invest in SleepX. 

So Back Support or Orthopedic Mattress?

Both back support and orthopaedic mattress can significantly improve your quality of sleep. However, when the choice is one or the other, you will have to look at your own needs and preferences to make the best selection.

The difference between the two kinds of mattresses lies mainly in the purpose they serve. If you have no back or shoulder pain issues and you are looking for a mattress that will provide the best support and keep your spinal alignment just right, go for the mattress for the back support.

On the other hand, orthopaedic mattresses can be a perfect fit if your sole purpose is to defeat back, neck, and shoulder pain. With its pain-alleviating and posture improving properties you can be assured to be not bothered by pain while sleeping. With added benefits like improved blood flow, less heat, and no sinking feel, you can get your everyday good night’s sleep with orthopaedic mattresses.

In essence

While all the information above can be helpful in picking the right product, it is still advisable to get a good understanding of the kind of materials used in each of these types of mattresses to make an informed choice. It is always better to gravitate towards established brands because you can be sure to know the kind and quality of materials they are using in their mattresses.  Best mattress brands in India are quite transparent in divulging the make of their mattress and the materials they have used in every layer of the mattress.