With all the existing frameworks and libraries, the web frontend development tech stack is extremely rich and multifaceted. For a business owner willing to take his business online, choosing suitable tools might be a tough call. Yet, it still remains a crucial aspect for the future success of a product.

Why choose React? And, most importantly, when should you use it? Let’s take a closer look at the advantages of React and its use cases.

What is React JS

React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library used by software engineers to build user interfaces. It also goes by the React.js, ReactJS, and React JS names used interchangeably. So yes, it’s a library, and if you’ve ever felt confused about if React JS is a library or a framework, now you know the correct answer.

React is a product of a massive amount of corporate investment, which sets it apart among its peers. Back in 2011, Facebook created React but hadn’t open-sourced it until May 2013 when the corresponding GitHub repository was set up, and the library release was officially announced. By 2014, after React had been extensively used for developing the UI of Facebook and Instagram and had been tested and evaluated out in the wild by other developers, the library started to become popular.


Why Should You Use React?              

You must be wondering why you should use React.js. After all, as the uses of JavaScript have increased in recent years, we now have multiple options available in the market like Angular and Vue.js. So, why React?

Let’s explore six key reasons to use React.js.

React Has a Great Developer Experience

Your team will fall in love with React when they start coding in it. Rapid development and React’s small API combined creates a fantastic developer experience. React’s API is very simple to learn. It has very few concepts to learn. Here is a small example of a React Component: You just need to import the React library. Message is the component that accepts props (input) and returns JSX. JSX is a special syntax that looks like HTML, which converts React’s API calls and finally renders HTML. Traditional frameworks like Angular and Vue power up the HTML. They use JavaScript inside HTML. They have created HTML attributes that give extra capabilities to it. The main problem with this approach is that you have to learn those new HTML attributes or always keep looking at the official documentation.

High performance of your app

Designed with performance in mind, the library’s core features, such as virtual DOM and server-side rendering, allow you to create large-scale apps which are really fast.

Easy transition to React NativeReact

Native is a mobile development framework, based on React. Thus, it is easy for React JS developers to switch to React Native and create mobile apps with a native look and feel. Moreover, some parts of your React web app can be reused in a React Native mobile app (mostly business logic), which improves the development speed.

Faster development

You can increase your productivity by using reusable components and development tools. Developer’s productivity is important because if you can get things done quickly, you can earn more money in less time, which is a common goal of companies and startups.

It’s hot and trending

React is hot and trending. It’s one of the most popular front-end technologies in the market.

When technology is adopted by more and more people every day, it’s clear that it’s for a reason – it’s good quality.

The number of React lovers is increasing day by day. Every day new people fall in love with this technology. So why not try it?

Strong community support

One of the biggest reasons why you should choose React for frontend development is that it has a very strong community support. A large community of developers are making React better as it’s an open-source library and coders from around the world are helping people learn the technology in different ways.



Not all frameworks and libraries will be the right fit for your work. They can be great tools but may not be the ideal choice for your development work.

Just like React, Angular is also a great, high-quality framework and it’s also been developed by the technology giant – Google. Tekki Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd is the Best React Js Development Company, Reach us to know more!