Many Christians wonder why God allowed suffering. I know it was once a question. I could not understand why God, who wished to dedicate his life, allowed me to suffer through temptations, hardships and unanswered prayers.

In fact, twelve years after I was born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit, I struggled with this idea. My prayers were not answered, I had financial problems.

When I read Matthew 7: 7, I read, “Seek ye, and it shall be given unto you; seek and find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Examine me, “says the Almighty God,” and behold, I will not turn the flood. Go to heaven, pour out many blessings, you have no place chronological reading schedule.

I don’t understand! Did God lie to me? Some people use it as proof that there is no God. When God is real, they say;

Why does he say this in the Bible and why are we suffering?

Well, I found out the truth and said I was free! Just like Jesus said. God does not allow grief, and I can honestly say that He wants you to keep His promises in Jeremiah 29:11: “I know My plans for you” and “I have plans for your well-being.” It will not disappoint you, it will give you hope and a future. ”

If you apply the principles I have discovered or say that God has opened my eyes to see; You will know that God’s promises are true and true. Depending on the circumstances of your life, you better clean up all the clutter, garbage and habits stored in your life that will take a while to change, but it does happen.