Join Alice Flowers, Founder and CEO and Founder of AF Image Group, where she is going to share HOW defining and dressing your personal brand sends the right visual message of who you are as a business owner. Look the part, act the part, be the part… alignments to gets you closer to your ultimate dream of a six-figure to multi-six-figure cash flow.

Question 1: What value judgment do you want to communicate based on the visual cues you project

Question 2: Are you aware of the message your appearance sends to those who are capable of promoting or propelling you forward in your chosen profess

Event Information

Start Date 07/19/2021 02:00 PM
End Date 07/19/2021 04:00 PM
Timezone US/Eastern
Informal Networking 1:45 pm ET
Location Online Event – Zoom
United States
Chapter Charlotte, NC

Event Link: Turn Your Wardrobe Into a Six-figure Income

Important Link: female entrepreneurs atlanta