Vehicle trade in credit is based upon the gas mileage of the old car and the increase in gas mileage in comparison to the trade in. Clunkers must get less than 18 MPG (based on EPA standards) and the new car must get at least 22 MPG. If the new car gets between 4 and 9 MPG the trade in credit is $3500. If the new car’s gas mileage improves by 10 MPG or more the trade in credit is $4500. For SUV’s or pickups the credit is $3500 for a 1 MPG improvement and $4500 for 2 MPG or more.

If you have an accident, you may be liable for damages to someone else’s car. That is usually the easy part. What can really break the bank is liability for injury of another person or persons.

The next step in getting napa auto parts radiator in Queens is typically a trip to the car wash. Or at the very least, some soapy water and a garden hose to knock off that build-up of dirt and grime. While all of us drive our car dirty from time to time, no one wants to pay good money for a dirty car. And a dirty car can send a signal that its owner has not done the best job of taking care of other aspects of the car. A car that isn’t clean can be a real turn off to a prospective buyer regardless of the car being in good mechanical condition.

Who wants to deal with so much hassle? I don’t and I’m sure you definitely don’t want such hassles in life. So if you are currently uninsured, go online now. Shop around online from the comfort of your own home. You can save a lot of money shopping online by providing information about your vehicle, your history as a driver and what kind of coverage you would like. It will take a few minutes to browse through all the resulting quotes. You have to read carefully to understand what kind of coverage each quote promises. Look for discounts based on type of coverage, your personal driving history and your area. And then take your decision.

Well, you’ll basically want to take the information mentioned above, and apply it toward the car at your house. If you don’t know how many miles a gallon your car currently gets, a quick Google search online will be able to tell you.

Check the shelf life – it is better to buy car battery that hasn’t been sitting on the shelf for a long time (this greatly reduces its warranty and actual life span on your car). Get one that has been there for at least twelve months. (tip: to know when the battery was manufactured or delivered, check the label on the bottom for the shipping date code. The letter stands for the month is was manufactured, and the number stands for the year. So a battery with a M8 label means that it was manufactured on March 2008).

The Federal Government has attempted to stimulate the almost stagnate new car market, by offering “Cash For Clunkers.” The program offers a $3,500 – $4,500 voucher when trading in a vehicle getting less then 18 miles per gallon and manufactured with the last 25 years. The voucher can be used instantly to reduce the price of a qualifying new car.

“But they wouldn’t sell car perfumes or air fresheners if they were toxic!” I hear you say. Actually… not so. The material safety data sheet (MSDS) of one of the most popular air ‘freshener’ and car perfume product actually states that one of the hazards of inhalation of their product is that it irritates the mucous membrane and upper respiratory airways, symptoms can include headaches, nausea and breathing difficulties.

The numbers don’t add up. The government reports 457,000 sales under the Cash for Clunkers program – but even if every sale was at the maximum payout of $4500 (unlikely) there should have been over 650,000 sales. It would seem about one billion dollars of borrowed money has just disappeared.