It can be difficult to know what an asylum attorney can do for you or what steps you need to take if you are facing deportation because of your immigration status. If you are an asylum attorney in Encino CA, it’s likely that you know exactly what you can do to help someone facing deportation or exclusion from entering the country, but if you don’t, read on! 

Asylum attorneys in Encino specialize in helping foreign nationals apply for asylum or refugee status with the U.S. government. An asylum attorney will act as your advocate with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) during your asylum interview to help ensure that your application is granted and you are allowed to stay in the United States with the protection of asylum status. 

If you are seeking asylum in the United States, you will need to find an attorney with specific expertise in asylum cases. You can find an attorney who specializes in asylum law by searching asylum attorney in Encino online. Here are 10 ways an asylum attorney can help you with your case.



  • Interview Preparation


The asylum process is not as simple as it might seem. There are a number of procedural and technical requirements that must be satisfied to present your case properly. 

As such, preparation for an interview with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) should include close consultation with a reputable asylum attorney who will ensure that your rights are respected and any potential legal remedies or defenses are presented in a timely manner. 

If you or someone you know is seeking asylum based on race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group: contact The Asylum Attorney for free evaluation and counsel today.



  • Review Documents Such as Police Reports


Attorneys for asylum seekers review these documents to make sure there aren’t any major red flags that will prevent their clients from achieving asylum. Red flags might include using a smuggler or lying about certain facts of their journey to achieve asylum. 

If there are red flags, they must come up with a way to mitigate them if possible. Ultimately, everything they say on their own behalf will be backed up by credible evidence, but they also need to know what evidence is necessary in order to properly defend themselves.



  • Research Immigration Policy Updates


With Donald Trump’s presidency coming to an end, there are several key immigration policy changes that could be implemented under Trump’s successor. 

Though there are no guarantees for sweeping immigration reform or DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) legislation, it’s possible that someone like Joe Biden or Elizabeth Warren would be willing to make deals with Republicans if they become president. 

If you hire an asylum attorney in Encino, they will make sure your claim is filed correctly and advise you of any potential dangers in courtrooms and detention centers. Below are some important policy changes to keep in mind



  • File Briefs & Motions


An asylum attorney is a lawyer who specializes in helping clients get asylum. An asylum attorney works to keep refugees safe by petitioning for them to stay in their home country rather than be deported. When it comes to working with government agencies, however, it’s hard to skip straight to your end goal without filling out a lot of paperwork. 

As part of that process, one thing an asylum attorney does is file briefs and motions with various government entities involved in your case. These documents can include everything from requests for extensions on deadlines or appeals for judges’ decisions—they are written proof that your court case is active and ongoing while giving you legal protection should any issues arise.



  • Research Evidence


When meeting with your client for your initial consultation, ask them if they know of anyone who has had to deal with similar issues. You may be able to speak directly with their community on how they approached their situation. 

This way, you’ll not only get some insight into their concerns but also get feedback on how they were treated during their proceedings. If possible, ask your client if they would be comfortable putting you in touch with other members of their community who have experienced asylum proceedings in Los Angeles County or Orange County California. 

They can give you useful insights into what happens at each stage of any given proceeding and what to expect moving forward.



  • Speak With Your Client’s Local Community


Before a client contacts a lawyer, he or she has likely already spoken with members of their local community. A community member may have recommended an attorney to your client, or your client’s neighbor might be a lawyer who is willing to take on certain pro bono cases. 

The point is that you want to speak with these people and find out as much as possible about your client and his or her situation. This background information will be invaluable in assessing your clients’ potential asylum claims and devising a plan for bringing their case forward.



  • Schedule Appointments & Attend Hearings


When asylum seekers first come to America, they tend to be scared and worried. Many of them don’t speak English, and all of them are worried about their future. 

They’re afraid that they won’t be accepted into America or that they will end up being deported back to where they came from. This makes it more difficult for them to talk with law enforcement representatives about what happened in their home country; most of them fear deportation back to where they came from if officials realize their claims aren’t legitimate. 

An experienced asylum attorney can negotiate with government officials on your behalf, translating for you and making sure all of your questions are answered.



  • Negotiate With Government Officials & Law Enforcement Representatives


With so much attention being paid to immigrants and immigration, it’s understandable why people are afraid of how they might be treated. But many undocumented individuals who face deportation or other immigration penalties would rather work with officials than run away from them. 

An asylum attorney can help these immigrants work within official channels to apply for asylum. The lawyer will negotiate with government officials and law enforcement representatives to create a plan that allows immigrant protection from authorities while they remain in their new country.



  • Gather Evidence from Your Client’s Home Country


Many of us have had to deal with a language barrier at some point in our lives. Whether it’s going to a foreign country, going on a date with someone who doesn’t speak your native tongue or having a roommate from another country, many people have been in situations where they need to communicate something and don’t have someone, they can rely on to translate for them. 

It’s not easy being in these situations, so think about how you would handle one before you find yourself in one. You never know when it will happen, so be prepared! Finding an asylum attorney is just one way you can prepare yourself if ever find yourself needing assistance with your English skills.



  • Deal With Language Barriers


Many asylum applicants come from countries where a different language is spoken, and even if English is their first language, they may have not been educated in it. An attorney should be able to help bridge any language barriers so that you’re fully understood. 

Dealing with a counselor who speaks your native tongue should make everything clearer and prevent miscommunications between counselor and client. If your attorney doesn’t speak a common language, consider whether that may affect his or her ability to defend your case effectively.

Hope this article helps you to know how an asylum attorney in Encino can help you in legal matters. If you want to read more informative articles please visit>>