It can become a reality through methods like massage, implants, surgery, lotions or creams of different kinds. In addition, you can also benefit from the Penis-health program. It is no magic penile product, but it has truly been able to deliver 80% of its promise. Don’t be surprised if she becomes more aroused than ever before thanks to your increased size.

You should do penis exercises for 8 minutes a day when using this product. As you can see in this short alpha xtra boost review, you can certainly get some benefits out of this relatively new product. Good news is that as soon as you achieve your desired size you stop taking them are your penis will remain at its new size permanently. Penis exercising requires only your hands, some spare time each day, and your own determination to make it work. One way to test your penis out and see if there is a sever problem or not is to get some blood tests, have an ultrasound, or a dye test to figure out how your penis reacts when stimulation occurs.