Redesigning your child’s room can be a daunting but important task. You want it to be adorable, with a stylish and modern aesthetic, and you also want it practical in functionality and safety. This can be a challenge when redesigning and decorating a child’s room, as there are a lot of details to keep in mind, like proper lighting, adequate walking space, and storage space that’s not too cramped. So here are five tips to help you redesign your child’s room this year.

1. Involve Your Child

Ask your child for design ideas and work with them to create their own space. A child’s room should reflect the child’s personality, and it’s a great way to connect with your little one. Having your children involved in the process is one of the best ways to ensure that their room is a success. Additionally, this provides them with valuable life skills as they learn how to conceptualize and create their own space. Also, working with your child is an excellent way to encourage their creativity and artistic abilities.

2. Use the Right Tape

Painting can be a huge mess, so if you don’t want to repaint your child’s walls completely, you may want to consider using wall tape. Wall tape is a great way to decorate your child’s walls with removable tape that will stick to the paint. Using a particular design along the wall or ceiling provides an awesome opportunity to create a specific mural for your child’s room. Additionally, there are many types of tapes to use, so you can create whatever design your little one desires. For example, it would be best to use the strongest double sided tape because it is fast bonding and sticks to both rough and smooth surfaces.

3. Use the Space

Even though you have beautiful wall space available to you, it’s not always easy to figure out how you’re going to use it. If your child does not love a lot of toys, do not fill their rooms up with toys. However, for children that are avid readers, make sure the bookshelves are plentiful. If your children like arts and crafts, then make sure your children have adequate space for art supplies. Also, make sure that your children have plenty of storage space for their clothes, such as drawers, to organize their clothes.

4. Ensure Proper Lighting in the Room

Lighting is another detail you should keep in mind when redesigning your child’s room. When lighting is placed in a child’s room, they need to be able to see while they are reading. Additionally, it’s important to have adequate light because a lack of light can cause nightmares and poor sleep patterns. For example, if your children have one specific light that is not working or dimming, this could cause them to get anxious at night and even affect their wake-up time. Therefore, ensure that you have proper lighting that works well with your child’s needs.

5. Choose Durable Furniture

The furniture you have in your child’s room can be quite costly, so you want to make sure that you choose furniture that will stand the test of time. Not only is an investment in good quality furnishings worth it because of the longevity, but it also ensures a sense of stability and security for your child while it is in the room. It is also easier to move the room around to different themes or decor with good quality furnishings. Also, good quality furnishings will last a significantly longer time than cheaper furniture made from cheaper materials. When you purchase durable furnishings, you can be confident that your child will pass down the furniture to others, providing comfort and security.


Redesigning a child’s room can be an exciting and entertaining experience when you follow the right tips. Your children will grow up in the room and be able to look back at their younger years through the art they have created, the books they have read, and even the toys they have played with. And if your child wants to be a web designer, you can set them up with their computer desk space and equipment for the sake of their future.