Temporomandibular disorders are a collection of more than 30 separate conditions. Even though they are different from each other, these conditions all affect the jaw. Normally, the most prominent effect is pain felt in the neck and jaw, but many more symptoms exist. TMD disorders refer to any jaw or neck pain, while TMJ refers to the temporomandibular joint. Everyone has two of these joints, and they can be felt by placing a finger in front of the ears and opening the mouth. Here are several ways these disorders may affect you, even if they may be beneath awareness.

1. Tension Spreading Around the Face

Among the most prominent effects, face pain tends to spread from the TMJ throughout the head. Currently, it is estimated that up to 11 million children in the US suffer from it. Even so, why this happens at all is still a mystery in many instances, but it seems to relate to stress. If someone is affected by extreme life events, the stressor could trigger a headache. Seeking help from a TMJ specialist in Los Angeles may help uncover what causes your headache if you get them a ton. Moreover, the dentists would recommend treatments, practices, and methods to relieve distress.

2. Jaw Joint Discomfort

Several large muscles exist around the mandible, connecting to the TMJ. When disorders are triggered, it leads to pervasive pain, migrating away from a focus. Frequently, anything like this will dissipate on its own, and as time goes on, it will weaken. Yet, many are worried about its frequency, and requesting professional attention is helpful. A popular explanation is that undue stress inflames the joints, muscles, and tissue. Then, the resulting inflammation exacerbates underlying discomfort further.

3. Popping of the Mandible

When the bite is out of balance, popping may result, and you can hear it coming out of articulator disc. If it has drifted away from its track, clinicians can detect its position using an X-ray or CT scanner. Once they have taken images, the resulting pictures will show what has caused the sounds.

4. Difficulty Moving Mouth or Jaw

Another common difficulty associated with TMJ is a sudden decrease in chewing motility. In other words, patients suddenly realize their mouth no longer closes without trouble. Instead of sliding shut gracefully, they notice grittiness or stiffness near the joint. Once a ligament has become inflamed, moving it around can feel much more difficult. Nevertheless, most cases of TMJ-inflicted chewing disorders resolve over time. Still, asking for a dentist’s attention may not be unwise, especially if it affects eating.

5. Clicking, Popping, and Grating Noises

Although certain noises from the jaw are common, excessive sound production is a sign of TMJ. So, if you have felt as if there were louder than usual pops emanating from there, it may be wise to visit the dentist. Their computed tomography scans will illuminate any underlying conditions causing the sound. From there, diagnosing the TMJ and treating it ought to be a simple procedure.

6. Ears Ringing, Hearing Loss, and Dizziness

There are several ligaments between the ear and jaw bone, such as the DML. The distal-mallear ligament can get put under intense pressure and exert a ton of force. Thus, your ear may develop a painful sensation, especially after chewing recently. Since many anatomical structures connect the joint and ear, a specialist should help. Otherwise, discovering the ultimate source of it could take forever.

7. Changes in How Teeth Fit Together

Occasionally, a patient’s jaw muscles will misalign their teeth, causing them to shift. If that happens, the patient will notice when they close their mouth, as it will not fit like usual. Instead of snapping shut and closing, some teeth may hit others, forcing the mouth open. Usually, this occurs because ligaments are too tight, yet relaxation techniques may help.


Living with a painful jaw condition is now how life is supposed to be, and you should not go through it that way either. A dental specialist can figure out what caused it, develop a treatment plan, and help you recover. So, do not wait until suffering worsens before asking for help.