Learning these martial arts is no easy feat as they demand more from you

Learning any form of martial arts gives you the confidence to face the world on your terms. However, the forms of martial arts vary in intensity. While some forms, like Judo, are considered to be a softer version; some others are known to be the deadliest martial arts.


The process of learning a physically engaging skill requires you to be completely focused and prepared, both physically and mentally. However, learning any of the intense and deadliest martial arts requires more than just being prepared and focused.


If you are considering enrolling your child in online martial arts classes and want your kid to be well-trained in martial arts, you must know about all the martial arts included in this list.


You need to hone your body and mind to acquire the skill set needed to master the art and turn yourself into a weapon. Having mentioned that, it might pique your interest to know which martial arts qualify as the deadliest. So, without beating about the bush, let us just jump straight to our list:

15. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

With the underlying principle of using just your body as a weapon to defeat the opponent with a body bigger than yours, Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) has easily secured the final place on this list. Using techniques like grappling, choking, joint locks, etc. the aim of the fighters is to overpower the opponent and force them to surrender.


The fighting techniques used in BJJ can prove to be quite fatal and they can not be mastered without excessive training and practice.

14. Karate

You might have already heard a lot about Karate and it won’t be a surprise if you are considering karate classes online for your kid. Originated in Japan, it focuses on using the whole body to win the fight.

13. Taekwondo

Originating in Korea in the 1940s, Taekwondo is more like an art that focuses on impressive footwork and speed. This martial art gives extra emphasis to improving the kicking and punching skills.

12. Kung Fu

Kung Fu originated in China and is also referred to as Wushu and Quanfa. Known for centuries, it is among the oldest martial arts that focus on hand-to-hand combat.

11. Sambo

Developed in the USSR in the 1990s and practiced by elite units at the time, Sambo is an amalgamation of kickboxing, judo, Thai boxing, and boxing. 

10. MCMAP – Marine Corps Martial Arts Program

Developed by the United States Marine Corps, it is a hand-to-hand combat technique following Warrior Ethos. Beginning in the year 2001, it soon became a popular martial art.

9. Muay Thai (Thai Boxing)

Originating out of the need for a combat system that would be learned quickly, Muay Thai includes learning skills such as fencing, spear handling, archery, and horseback riding.

8. Silat

Silat involves a combination of several indigenous martial arts practiced in Nusantara and Southeast Asia. Silat is ranked as one of the deadliest martial arts in the world because it is centered on violence. 

7. Eskrima

The national martial art of the Philippines, Eskrima is a traditional combat system that is also known as Kali or Arnis. This martial art is all about quick punches, disarming, grabbing hands or feet, and even killing people.


6. Bacom

Bacom or Vacon is a Peruvian martial art developed in the streets of Lima. It involves using hidden weapons and extreme punches viciously.

5. Rough and Tumble

Developed in rural portions of the United States, it is an unorganized sport known for its brutally disfiguring techniques. The fighting style aims at killing or disabling the opponent.

4. Vale Tudo 

Using techniques from many martial arts, Vale Tudo is a deadly martial art that became famous in Brazil during the 20th century.

3. Ninjutsu

Ninjutsu is a Japanese martial art combining different skills including gathering information, camouflage, infiltration, fighting with bare hands and various weapons, etc.


LINE, or Linear Infighting Neural Override Engagement, is a combat system developed for closed quarter combats for the US Army Special Forces.  

  1. Krav Maga

A combat system designed to defend against bare-handed and even armed attackers, Krav Maga is an Israeli martial art known to be the deadliest of all. 


Now that you know, you can choose from a variety of martial arts courses offered by PiggyRide.