It’s hard to believe, but the showman is celebrating his 50th birthday today! On the day of the 50th anniversary, StarHit will tell how a boy from a polar town became one of the most popular people in Russia and created a strong family: for 10 years he has been happily married to Natalya Shkuleva.

The ratings speak eloquently about the popularity of Andrei Malakhov: last year he took a leading position in the top of Russian TV presenters. It is he, who has been revealing the innermost secrets of the stars for decades, that the public trusts the most. 

The famous journalist worked for a quarter of a century on Channel One and was the editor-in-chief of StarHit magazine for 12 years. On January 11, Andrey Malakhov turns 50, and on the anniversary of the presenter, we talk about the brightest programs and significant events of his life.

Lets have a look into Andrei Malakhov’s life

City of childhood

Andrey was born in the northern city of Apatity in the family of geophysicist Nikolai Dmitrievich and teacher Lyudmila Nikolaevna, who later became the head of the kindergarten. The first memories of the TV presenter are connected with the beauties of the Murmansk region: the Khibiny mountains, Lake Imandra.

In Apatity, our hero got up on skis and skates, went to first grade and to a music school, where he mastered playing the violin. By the way, together with the future TV star, Evgeny Rudin, whom we know today under the pseudonym DJ Groove, also studied.

From a young age, Andrei was trusted to conduct concert events. Even then, the talented entertainer decided on a profession, so, after graduating from school with a silver medal, he went to Moscow. In the capital, Malakhov entered the journalism department of Moscow State University and later built a career, but he never forgot his hometown: he came for the holidays, gave the local kids a playground, and at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, he sent ten oxygen machines and 2,000 medical masks to fellow countrymen.

finest hour

As a student, Malakhov was exchanged to the University of Michigan, and in order to secure a decent life abroad, he worked as a newspaper seller and a hotel employee. In the summer, the dean of the university trusted a responsible and capable Russian to take care of his home: together with his family, the professor went on vacation to Miami. For an internship, Andrey got a job at a television studio in Detroit, where they paid a decent fee that covered the cost of renting a city apartment.

Returning to Russia, the graduate graduated with honors and got a job at ORT. He started from the bottom, but thanks to hard work and talent, in the mid-90s he became a special correspondent for Good Morning, and in 2001 – the host of the Big Wash rating program. The journalist, who was awarded the title of the most stylish showman from the audience, continued to engage in self-development: he entered the law faculty of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

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Malakhov became more and more on Channel One: he hosted the Golden Gramophone, Five Evenings, Let They Talk, Lie Detector, Tonight. As a contestant, Andrei participated in the show “Two Stars” paired with Masha Rasputina. Programs, formats, heroes changed, and the TV journalist continued to discuss with the public both socially significant issues and scandalous stories.

“All this time I have been exploring human destinies. This is what fills my life with meaning: the moment when I see that our work has not been done in vain, that people’s dreams are starting to come true and life is changing, ”the showman explained years later.

Channel change

Without a doubt, Andrei Malakhov became the face and star of the First, but in 2017 he left the channel with his team to move on. In an open letter to Konstantin Ernst, the presenter said goodbye to his colleagues who had supported him for a quarter of a century and thanked his like-minded people for everything.

“Dear Konstantin Lvovich! 45 years is an important milestone in a man’s life, 25 of them I gave to you and Channel One. These years have become part of my DNA, and I remember every minute that you dedicated to me. Thank you so much for everything that you have done, for the experience that you gave me, for that amazing journey along the television road of life that we went through together, – Malakhov emphasized in his appeal. – So I wrote all this and I understand: a lot has happened in 25 years, and although I am unbearably sad now, only one thing will be remembered – how good we were together. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, my love! God bless us!”

It is symbolic that when Konstantin Ernst received TEFI for the show “Let them talk” in the fall of 2017, he announced that he would give the statuette to Andrei Malakhov. “I have been waiting for this award for more than 10 years and received it as an afterword. I’m used to looking to the future, not the past, so let this memorable gift remain with Channel One, ”the presenter decided.

At the same time, Andrei did not hold grudges against the former leadership, and when he switched to Russia 1, he warned everyone in advance and even advised his colleague and friend Dmitry Borisov to take the place of the host of Let They Talk. It was all the more surprising to hear that Borisov was already recording new releases of the show.

“Dima didn’t even tell me about it, I thought it was somehow strange. I wrote to him: “Is this true?” And he answered something from the series: “Yes … Everything in this world is like a butterfly’s wing …” Malakhov confessed in the show “Just about the difficult.” 

Again on top

On “Russia 1” Andrey acts not only as a host and author, but also as a program producer. With the advent of the star, the ratings of the channel skyrocketed, and the show “Andrey Malakhov. Live” and “Hi, Andrey!” became the absolute leader in the rankings. At the same time, it did not escape the attention of the audience that the topics of Malakhov’s programs were often duplicated by the First Button.

“Theft of heroes is number one right now. Young editors have destroyed television. They have a lot of ambitions, but all they can do is call and say: “Are you going to Malakhov? We give you twice as much money.” Although, I must say that Malakhov does not give anything. Then, when they are fired, they come to me for an interview: “Take me, please. We have such a small salary,” the host admitted in an interview with Sofiko Shevardnadze.

Malakhov also hosted various concerts on the Russia 1 channel and Dancing with the Stars, and on January 7 he launched a new program, Today is Friday, designed to remind viewers of forgotten artists and tell the stories of talented nuggets. Even after 30 years of work on television, the journalist and producer still finds how to surprise the audience.

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