Dr. Darsh Goyal is a Joint Replacement surgeon(Knee specialist) with International recognition who has produced outstanding results throughout his long-standing career. He was extensively trained in advanced joint replacement and arthroscopic knee and shoulder ligament surgery at the Sports Injury Centre, Safdarjung Hospital.


The spine is comprised of 33 vertebral bones that are stacked one over one another, with an intervertebral disc in between two vertebral bone segments. The spine provides the primary support for the body and allows us to stand up as well as bend and twist, all while shielding our spinal cords from damage. Additionally, strong bones and muscles as well as flexible ligaments and tendons and nerves that are sensitive help to maintain a healthy spine.


A Spinal Surgery Clinic in Delhi


The spine is the heart of the skeleton, and small issues could hinder the function of other body parts. At present, due to a lack of care for spine conditions, spine problems are becoming more frequent. The majority of them are treatable with the proper medication and treatment but some are not responding to the same treatment. It is at this point that the patient is advised to undergo surgery on the spine.


Spine treatment surgery may negatively affect your quality of life” is nothing more than a rumour today. Thanks to the advancements in technology and research in the field of healthcare spinal surgeries are recognized to improve living quality. It’s an effective treatment for those who suffer from nerve root compression or to stop the progression of myelopathic conditions that limit the body’s functions.


The risk factors associated with spine surgery


Most patients with spinal stenosis are older than 50 years of age. While degenerative changes may cause spinal stenosis in younger individuals, however, other causes must be taken into consideration. They include injuries and congenital spinal abnormalities like scoliosis and an illness that is genetic and affects the development of muscle and bone all over the body. Imaging of the spine can identify the causes.


New advances in the treatment of spinal disorders


In the last five years, various technological advancements now provide greater options to treat spine back pain and other spine issues more effectively, and without surgery. Combination approach: The initial is a combination approach that uses physical therapy, medication, injections as well as nerve stimulation, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.


  • Neuromodulation: This specific treatment uses electrical impulses that target nerves directly, reducing discomfort in the neck, back or leg.
  • A targeted delivery method for drugs: This method utilizes a pump that delivers painkillers directly to the fluid that surrounds the spine. It allows you to take only a small amount of medication to produce 100 times greater results in terms of treatment of pain.


After surgery, treatments


Patients who have undergone spinal surgery, but experienced poor results with regard to managing pain the targeted high-frequency nerve stimulation can help decrease the pain substantially. It is also possible to make use of a targeted drug delivery system within the spine to get excellent pain control after other therapies have not worked.

It is important for people to be aware of the general anatomy and functions of the spine and the reasons why pain can occur. A specialist in spinal conditions can provide information and provide strategies to cope in the face of chronic discomfort. We can also treat pain that hinders your quality of life with an entire treatment.




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