06 Oct 2024

Category: Hospital

Health, Hospital

تقنية الهايفو لشد الوجه في دبي: دليل شامل للعلاج المتطور 

تقنية الهايفو (HIFU)، وهي اختصار لـ High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound، تعد واحدة من أحدث التقنيات غير الجراحية لشد الوجه وعلاج ترهلات البشرة. أصبحت هذه التقنية شائعة في دبي نظرًا لقدرتها على تقديم نتائج ممتازة دون الحاجة إلى جراحة، مما يجعلها خيارًا مفضلًا للأشخاص الذين يبحثون عن…

Doctor, Hospital

What Are School and Sports Physicals? 

  School physicals (often called “well-child” exams) and sports physicals exam are preventative screenings aimed at assessing a child’s readiness for school activities and sports participation. These check-ups evaluate your child’s general health, growth, and development while identifying any areas that need attention or treatment….

Health, Hospital

DOT Physical Exams 

  DOT Physicals: Drivers whose vehicles are covered by federal Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations must undergo and pass a comprehensive physical exam at least every two years. The physical exams are conducted by certified medical examiners – physicians, nurse practitioners, or physician assistants. Drivers who…