The name of the corrugated metal comes from its signature wavy shape. The strength and durability of corrugated metal sheets result from their wavy or corrugated construction. Corrugated metal roofs are also very lightweight and inexpensive. As such, many homeowners prefer corrugated metal roofing as an alternative to traditional asphalt shingles. Moreover, corrugated metal is also an excellent choice for commercial roofing projects.

So, if you are looking for roofing philadelphia for your residential or commercial roofing needs, here is a sneak peek into the world of corrugated metal roofs.


The History of Corrugated Roofing

British architect and engineer Henry Robinson Palmer, who served for the London Dock Company, was behind corrugated roofing. In 1829, he was granted a patent for corrugated metal sheets. These sheets were initially made from corrugated iron or galvanized iron (CGI). CGI is also the name of two different materials – galvanized wrought iron and galvanized mild steel.

Initially, galvanized wrought iron was used to make corrugated galvanized iron. However, between 1890 and 1910, mild steel replaced galvanized iron due to the improvement in steel making and processing.


Corrugating technique for strengthening was known to human civilization for centuries. However, a successful corrugating approach came to light only during the early 1840s. During this time, manufacturers used to press the sheets to create the grooves. This method of grooving was successful, but the results were not uniform. Therefore, a successful grooving technique for uniformity was developed much later.


Despite being more robust and cheaper than other common materials, iron and steel carry the risk of corrosion readily in air and water. However, using the protection of galvanization, they were made into a more durable building material. In addition, galvanized iron sheets were robust, lightweight, and easy to transport. Thanks to these qualities, they achieved the status of a staple building material in various countries, including the US, New Zealand, Australia, and India.


During 1850, Australia began to use corrugated galvanized iron sheets for roofing and wall cladding. Soon, they became a part of the national identity of the country. Several small corrugating plants were operating in Australia during the 1860s, and the first galvanizing plant was built in 1863. With the turn of the century, corrugated metal became synonymous with the military.


Moreover, the manufacturing quality improved during the late 1900s and, today, a technique called roll forming is used to complete corrugation. As a result, it is now one of the best roofing for commercial and residential purposes for its affordability, durability, and convenience. 

Benefits of Corrugated Roofing 


Corrugated roofing is best known for keeping your homes dry, especially during the monsoon season. Corrugated metal sheets do not develop leakage with proper installation, unlike the traditional shingle-style roofing. If built on a slope, corrugated metal roofs eliminate the chances of water buildup. They save your building from any kind of water damage.


This type of metal roof is often considered the best roofing due to its exceptional strength and durability. Despite being lighter, the ridges and grooves are behind their longer lifespan. Additionally, the galvanized material makes them corrosion-resistant. As a result, they can last up to a century with almost zero maintenance. They also can withstand every extreme weather condition, including hail storms, heatwaves, snowstorms, and hurricanes. Corrugated metal is also fire resistant.

Easy to Install 

As made from steel or aluminum, corrugated metal roofs are lightweight and easy to install. You do not need much structural support for corrugated metal roofing systems. They are also very flexible, allowing the roofers to use them for almost every type of roof, including residential and commercial roofs. It is easier to give corrugated roofs the right finish and customize them.

Low Maintenance

Unlike traditional roofing materials, you do not have to spend a lot of your time and resources on the maintenance of corrugated metal roofs. Corrugated metal roofs do not risk water buildup, rot, or corrosion. With a meager amount of care, corrugated metal exhibits high performance. All you need to do is recoat the exposed portion once in a while to mitigate the risk of corrosion. At the same time, you might need to re-tighten the fasteners to ensure water tightening.


Corrugated metal reflects the solar heat to help the temperature regulation in your homes. Corrugated roofing can lower the energy consumption of your home’s air conditioning system. It is especially beneficial for commercial settings as the owners get to save a considerable amount of money on energy bills. Moreover, corrugated metal roofs provide a very comfortable living or working space in the summer season.


When it comes to commercial best roofing, no other material can match the advantages of corrugated metal roofs. They are highly affordable and beneficial for commercial projects. Even residential homeowners are now opting for this type of roofing solution. Corrugated metal roofs are available in several styles and colors, adding value to residential properties. So, if you are planning a commercial or residential roof repairing project, consider corrugated metal roofing.