Could Ivermectin Be the Answer to Better Asthma Treatment?

The number of asthma sufferers has been rising steadily in recent years, so the race to find the best solution is on. One promising solution that’s worth watching? Ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug that’s currently used to treat worm infections and scabies in humans. Could this drug someday be used as a new treatment option for asthma sufferers?

Why smart inhalers could be useful

Often patients with asthma carry around their inhalers and never use them. The reason they don’t is because it can be hard to tell when you need your inhaler during an attack. For many, if they start getting wheezy or notice a tightness in their chest, that’s enough of a signal to pop an inhaler—but not everyone has such keen awareness of these types of changes. Smart inhalers could change all that by tracking more data points throughout each day and using them to determine when specific users should use their device. And buy ivermectin

How smart inhalers can help

If a user consistently records their symptoms, and if smart inhalers can deliver therapy accordingly, it is plausible that a better treatment regimen could be mapped out. More importantly, smart inhalers could help facilitate communication between doctors and patients by delivering insights like these on user behavior. Imagine having an  ivermectin for sale  discussion with your doctor about your results: Well doc, as you can see here, it looks like inhaling ivermectin in conjunction with albuterol gives me more relief than either one alone. The doctor can review that same data and make adjustments accordingly.

Challenges in treatment today

Current asthma treatments are often not very effective at providing long-term relief, and they can also be expensive. According to a study published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, up to 75% of asthmatics say their medication does not provide them with adequate relief from their symptoms. Experts have called for improved therapy for several years now; it seems that smart inhalers may be just what we’ve been waiting for.

Will we see change?

Although asthmatics have benefited buy ivermectin online  reputation as a way to get rid of worms and other parasites, it may also be used more frequently as a lung therapy. However, there’s one big problem—you can’t buy ivermectin for asthma relief without a prescription in most countries, which has made trials and treatment pretty tough.

Are there any setbacks?

The efficacy of ivermectin as a treatment for asthma is unclear. Further research is needed. However, if further research does indeed show that ivermectin can be used to treat asthma, smart inhalers could make it easier for patients with asthma and their doctors to track down and treat flare-ups. Tracking and treating flare-ups early may help prevent permanent damage to a patient’s lungs.