As food delivery services have become increasingly popular, the market has become crowded with companies vying to offer the best experience to customers who are too busy or simply not able to cook at home when they’re tired or sick of eating out. There are three key things to keep in mind if you’re designing your own food delivery app, and each one could mean the difference between an average experience and one that gets rave reviews. Read on to learn more!

First, understand the competition

Before you can even start, check out existing food delivery apps. Not only will it give you an idea of what works and what doesn’t—it may also spark some ideas for improvements you hadn’t thought of yet. If there are any major competitors in your space, read up on their app design process so that you know how they tackle certain problems. (For example: Do they use a single-screen or multi-screen approach?)  For less well-known competitors, spend time with their mobile app and note anything unique about its design. Did it make you feel comfortable ordering from them? Was it easy to navigate? Would you be willing to pay money for such an experience?

Next, know your customer

Before you get too deep into creating your app, it’s important to know what exactly you are creating. Ask yourself: Who is my customer? The answer could be as straightforward as people who want more food options and better quality food. However, if we dig deeper and do some research, we can identify different target audiences that will enable us to serve those needs.  For example, there may be certain neighborhoods or areas of town where delivery isn’t readily available. These areas would be prime locations for launching a new food delivery service. Also, we might find specific demographics within our audience that have different motivations for using an app like ours. For example, students on campus might use our service because they don’t have time to go out and eat in between classes but they still want good-quality meals delivered right to their dorm room doorsteps.

Once you know who your customer is, you can decide on how to market yourself

Maybe you’ll make an online presence by creating social media accounts, advertising your company on other pages or even sending emails. Maybe you’ll put up flyers and hand out coupons in public places, like cafes and grocery stores. Or maybe you’ll have some sort of special offer that you’ll market through ads online. Whatever methods you use, it is important that they are clear and catchy.

Once you have marketing down, focus on design elements

When it comes to food delivery apps, design is everything. Although technology is an important factor, you can’t overlook other design elements such as brand identity, UI, and UX. These elements contribute to your app’s overall look and feel—an integral part of attracting users. Mobile-app design companies often use principles of ux design, which means an element that works for one type of user might also work for another. You need more than just a great idea if you want to build a successful food delivery app; you need excellent design, too. You can hire designers from a UI/UX design company who are capable of creating designs with high usability standards doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive.

Before release, test your product with real customers

Customer feedback can be invaluable, especially when you’re designing a product. Customer testing before launch gives you an opportunity to make adjustments and make sure that your product will resonate with users. Keep in mind that early testers might not give you actionable feedback—they may just tell you they love your app or hate it, without explaining why. This is why talking with real customers matters even after release.


Remember, great design is never just about one thing. That’s why, when you design your food delivery app, you need to consider as many factors as possible. When that happens, you’ll end up with an app that serves users well and generates positive word of mouth for your brand and business. Whether you’re looking to build or redesign your mobile app, make sure it looks beautiful and has solid functionality from start to finish. If you’re not familiar with what goes into creating a successful app, contact us today at {Pepper Square} and we’ll be happy to help! We are the best UI/UX design company in India focused on providing high-quality web design services for startups and established businesses across the globe. Our services include website design,  website development, UI/UX design mobile app development services.