Colour bleeding is one of most common laundry disaster that can ruin your other clothes. Though, you should always wash the clothes that bleed colour separately and take every precaution to prevent dye stains, they can still occur.

So, here is a quick guide that will be help you in getting rid of unwanted dye stains.

We will see how to remove dye stains for different fabrics.


You can use strong detergents like Tide to get rid of dye stains from cotton clothes. If you would rather prefer a home ingredient, go for vinegar.

You just have to mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar with equal amount of water. Then apply this solution all over the stained area. Wait for 10 minutes and then rinse with cool water.

If you have white cotton clothes to treat then you can use chlorine bleach. Dilute it with water first as it is very harsh to the cloth fibre. If you are using 1 tablespoon of chlorine bleach then mix water in equal quantity. Apply it on the stained area, let it work for 5 minutes and then rinse with cool water.


Wool is one of the most delicate natural fibre that always need some extra care. If your woollen clothes catch dye stains, immediately search for a gentle stain remover like Ezee.

Never use bleach-based detergents or vinegar on wool. These can do irreversible damage to the wool fibres. Another best option is to send such clothes to drycleaners near you. They will treat them with suitable organic stain removers. This way you can preserve the fibres while getting rid of stains as well.

Synthetic fabrics

Some examples of synthetic fibres are Nylon, Polyester, Olefin, Acrylic, etc. We do not recommend using any home-made stain remover on such clothes as it can damage the plastic used in making of this fibres. Simply, go for regular laundry detergents like Surf excel, Ariel, etc.

Pour a tablespoon (or enough liquid to cover the stain) of liquid detergent on stained area. Rub gently, let it work for 5 minutes and then rinse. Repeat the process if the stain still persists.

In case you have stained you have dye stains on the following clothes, you might need professional assistance:

Silk garments: If the stain is stubborn mild detergent will not work. And just like wool some types of silk are extremely delicate and they might get damaged with excessive chemicals.

Embellished or embroidered clothes: Next, you not being a professional might no handle embellishments carefully. The worst case would be when dye stains spread on the embroidery or embellishments.

Garments with mixed fabrics: A georgette suit with net sleeves or a cotton shirt with corduroy collars, cuffs and pockets, there are various garments that are made up of more than one fabric. While you know treating one type of fabric at a time, you might be clueless to treat more than one fabric at the same time.

In such cases you will have a tough time in removing stains and they might not go completely even after that. So, it is better to get dry clean service for such garments.