When you test in PaternityUSA, or even in another part of the world, the accuracy of the paternity test may be compromised by some of the activities you may be doing before or after the procedure. That’s why you need to know them and, above all, avoid them for great results. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the things that can affect the accuracy of your home paternity test. Let’s take a look.

Medical procedures

It is important to note that some medical procedures, such as bone marrow transplants and blood transfusions, often introduce foreign DNA into the recipient’s body. While the effect may last for a while, it may also take longer for others. Therefore, since the two DNAs coexist, a DNA paternity test may not be the ideal choice. This does not mean that a definitive legal DNA test cannot be done, but medical attention is required to get accurate results.


Ensure that two swabs from different people do not overlap before or after DNA sampling to avoid cross contamination. If this is not done, the DNA of both people will be combined, and under such circumstances it is absurd to expect accurate results. Do not touch tampons intended for use on someone else. If you need to do a smear, hold the tips and that’s it. Dropping the swab will also contaminate it, resulting in inaccurate results.

Court Admissible DNA Tests require the sample collection kit be shipped and DNA samples collected by an unrelated third party who has no interest in the outcome of the test. You have the option of using an unrelated third-party sample collector of your choice or, if you are located in the United States, we can schedule sample collection for you at an approved facility near you.

Spitting on the Swab

Yes, there is a huge difference between collecting saliva and cheek cells. Spit collects the first, while what is recommended for DNA testing. Why cheek cells and not saliva? Primarily. The relationship testing robots are designed to extract a DNA sample from cheek cells, and it’s only right that it does what it did more. Second, the DNA on cheek cells is of high quality, not to mention the relative concentration. For this reason, make sure you don’t spit on your home DNA test to get accurate results.

Other Activities

Make sure you don’t take anything by mouth at least one hour before the paternity test. At home, you can not conduct a DNA test after eating, drinking or smoking. In case you’re wondering, tobacco by-products, toothpaste, liquid, and food don’t have the properties needed to change DNA. However, these particles can easily mask DNA, making them too weak to be used in the test. It is equally important not to breastfeed your baby one hour before the test. Once you avoid foreign particles, the collected cheek cells are perfect to work with, giving accurate results.


Some people are too quick to judge DNA tests when they are so accurate. Others end up getting wrong information simply because they introduced foreign objects into the DNA samples. For this reason, make sure you avoid the above activities when doing legal paternity testing. When it comes to medical procedures, since you can’t change things like that, the best thing you can do is consider other alternatives. Remember not to spit on the swab, but target the cheek cells. Once you follow all of these, the results you will get will be perfect.