If you have an e-commerce store, you’re in charge of creating the first impression your customers get when they visit your website, and also the experience they have while browsing your products or services. Because of this, it’s crucial that you put as much thought into your user experience as you do into the products or services you offer. Here are some tips on how to make sure your user experience meets its full potential from the first moment people see your site to the moment they make their purchase.


Pick the right platform


While you can build an online shop using any host and building platform, it’s worth spending some time researching which platform will best suit your needs. Factors such as security, support, personalization capabilities, and flexibility should all be considered. For most businesses that sell physical products online, WooCommerce is one of the easiest and most popular platforms on which to set up shop—while many others use Magento or Shopify.


Pick the right plugin


Plugins are software programs that perform one or more specific functions within WordPress. For example, you could use plugins to display widgets (such as text boxes and weather widgets) on different parts of your site.  You can also find plugins that add features such as shopping carts, photo galleries, sliders and contact forms. The best way to choose which plugin is right for you is by researching what others have used successfully in similar situations.


Design with speed in mind


When building an e-commerce site, be sure to keep usability in mind and design with speed in mind. For example, using CSS3 transitions and animations will help your users navigate through each page quickly. When designing each page, think about how they’ll interact with it after one click—will they need to scroll down? Will they have any difficulty finding what they’re looking for? By keeping these questions in mind as you design, you can ensure that your site is fast and easy to use.


Work on mobile-first


In today’s on-the-go culture, more and more of our time is spent with mobile devices. An app or site that is difficult to use on a smartphone could kill sales; conversely, one that’s designed with mobile users in mind could lead to new, creative ways of making money and interacting with consumers. Therefore, any changes you make should always be designed with mobile users in mind first.


Pay attention to psychology


People have different triggers and motivations that drive them, which means each person has unique needs and desires. As an entrepreneur, it’s important to keep an eye on these psychological factors when designing, creating, or marketing your products. And it’s not enough just to notice them—you need to know how to respond appropriately.


Give users easy choices


When it comes to online shopping, providing multiple payment options is critical. If you only accept credit cards, you’re leaving out about half of the potential customers—those who use cash or checks. Also, consider different shipping options: offering free standard shipping can attract some new customers by making them feel like they’re getting something extra; on the other hand, expedited shipping may prompt more purchases from existing customers who want their products faster.


Create an easy checkout process


The checkout process is one of (if not) THE most critical components of an online shopping experience. Making it as simple and easy as possible will help you turn more browsers into buyers, and give you an edge over your competitors.


Plan for customer service issues


Some customers are going to want help with returns or exchanges. Expect it, plan for it, and you’ll save yourself a lot of headaches (and money) in the long run.




Mobile apps are becoming increasingly powerful. They can help you sell stuff, boost in-store sales, build loyalty, and collect data. The best mobile apps optimize all these opportunities and make it easy for people to find what they’re looking for and do what they need to do with minimal friction. The easiest way to make your app great is by bringing on board an experienced UI/UX design company that has experienced in mobile app development also and has worked with mobile app users before.


Also Read: User Experience behind the e-commerce Empire