Not everyone is able to follow their dreams. But if you’ve ever felt like your dreams are worth fighting for, this article is for you. There are many obstacles that stand in the way of someone trying to achieve their goals. Fear of failure, fear of success, and the feeling that it’s just not worth it are just a few. This article will teach you about what stops people from following their dreams, how to overcome setbacks, and how to start living the life you want now.

Fear of failure

If you’ve tried to start your own business before but were never able to, you’re already familiar with the problem of fear. Many people face the same issue, but for some it’s even worse. The main reason is that they don’t have a concrete vision for their goals. In fact, the vast majority of people don’t think about what they’d like to do in life, what their goals are. Even when you do know what you want, you’re probably too afraid to try to attain it.

Why would you want to become a lawyer if you hate having to go to work every day?
Or a doctor if you hate being around sick people?

I’m sure you can come up with several of your own examples, but these are pretty common ones. There are plenty of reasons why people end up not following their dreams, but fear of failure is the most common one.

“Motivation usually comes from having a goal. Without a goal, no motivation. If you don’t believe in it, you’ll never do it,” Warren Buffett once said.

Fear of success

What prevents us from pursuing our dreams?
Is it our insecurity?
Our uncertainty?

If we never had any doubt or question about the result of our actions, it would be much easier to pursue our goals. However, it’s not the outcomes of our actions that can turn out to be our dreams. The real work starts before we have any commitment before we have any idea if our dreams can come true.

Every dream requires a commitment. Every dream requires an action. If it requires you to fail to be committed to the action you’re about to take, don’t do it. When you start to think that every action you take is connected to your future, then you’re starting to get deeper into the rabbit hole of self-delusion.

The feeling that it’s not worth it

This is a big one that many people think. They may feel that they’ll never be successful, they’ll never be enough, or they’ll never have enough money. To most of us, that is probably the case. We oftentimes have unrealistic expectations of what we should be living our lives for. Life will always throw you curveballs. We are human.

We’ve all been there. You’ve worked so hard towards a goal. You’ve built your dream life. And then, maybe, you’ve been slapped in the face with reality. “This is never going to work. You’re never going to make this happen.” That one statement has forever stuck in your head. But we’re going to help you get out of that mindset and prove that it is totally, totally worth it to fight for your dreams.

Stopping because you’re afraid of failure.

We’ve all experienced failures before. But you can’t let one small, minor failure prevent you from pursuing your dreams. That could cost you years of hard work and a lifetime of regret. You have to stop fighting and start failing before you can succeed. Failure is what drives success. Every time you fail at something, you learn something new.

Risks are necessary for growth

You will never achieve anything unless you take calculated risks. That’s why a major part of this article is about overcoming failure. When you’re young, failures are seen as a reason for not trying anything. That’s because of the massive amount of confidence they make you lose. But those who learn to get over these setbacks learn that failure is not the end and that instead of being afraid of it, you must embrace it. You must find out what went wrong and what you can do to change it.

Don’t let past failures stop you from pursuing your dreams.

If you have failed before, don’t let that deter you from your goals. It can be easy to get paralyzed by fear and compare yourself to others.

Somewhere along the way, many people forgot what it meant to be a risk-taker. Although I’m not saying you should just jump in headfirst without thinking, you have to realize that you’ll always be going against the crowd. After all, if you were always a risk-taker, you’d never get to experience a chance to make a living as a writer. You wouldn’t get to attend the university of your choice. You wouldn’t be travelling the world and meeting wonderful people. You wouldn’t get to do some of the fun things you’re dreaming about.

According to Martin Seligman, author of the Positive Psychology research and professor at the University of Pennsylvania, a downside to taking a risk is the feeling of failure. However, a positive side to taking a risk is that failure can be an opportunity to learn.

How To Start Following Your Dreams with No Fear

The idea of following your dreams and having the kind of life you always wanted seems absolutely romantic. How can you make your dreams come true, and, ultimately, how can you become an international superstar? But that’s not a dream that every person has. There’s a big difference between making your dreams come true and just dreaming of making your dreams come true.

In the case of those who are actually trying to follow their dreams, there are countless challenges that can block them from achieving their goals. From developing a product with the aim of selling it, to getting funding for your business, to learning how to start a podcast, there are several difficulties that make it hard to live out the things you desire.

How to start living your life now

Start with the smallest action you can do today. Give up one piece of your own mind-control that makes it difficult for you to break out of your old ways of thinking and create a better future. Today, you can stop denying yourself of the dream you know is within you.

Instead of taking one step forward and one step back, take a few. Take an inch, take a mile, take a few thousand steps. Even if you take one step every day, you’ll be far ahead of where you were yesterday.

You’re not being stuck. The truth is, you’ve been holding back. Don’t deny yourself, no matter how scary it may feel. It could be simpler than you think. The best things in life often aren’t as hard as you make them.

Choose your next step.


Having great ideas doesn’t automatically make you a successful entrepreneur. In order to truly succeed, you must take action and put yourself out there.

As Nike says, “Just do it”.
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