While you can’t control how your former partner will react to a divorce petition, you can increase your chances of getting their cooperation. Here’s how.


Step #1 – Talk to an attorney

As can be seen on sites like https://www.kasparlugay.com/child-custody-attorney/, nothing is stopping you from booking a consultation with a Corte Madera divorce lawyer before you have even asked for a divorce. And an attorney can help you figure out the best way to break the news to your former partner without antagonizing them any more than necessary.

Step #2 – Keep your cool

Your partner will likely react very strongly once you tell them you want a divorce, and as the one initiating it, you must keep your cool. It doesn’t matter how you feel or who’s at fault — your primary concern should be keeping your cool and not antagonizing your former partner. Until the divorce is done, you need all the goodwill you can get from them.

Step #3 – Avoid negativity

This should be a pervasive concern throughout the divorce negotiations. Don’t engage your former partner in arguments, don’t contact them without your lawyer, don’t badmouth them to friends and family. Instead, stay calm and let your attorney do the talking as much as possible. That will help ensure the best possible outcome, which will mean a peaceful dissolution of your marriage if you are lucky.