Amazon: the most stocked and competitive online store has really thought of them all! Making money with Amazon affiliations through a blog? Let’s find out how

Are you passionate about online marketing and you often hear about how you can make money with affiliates? Great, today’s guide will take you to an interesting world, made of mechanisms that could add to your income or skyrocket it! Here’s how to do it!

In the online world, working with affiliations is not a walk in the park; also for this sector it is necessary to have patience and above all perseverance: once you understand the mechanism, everything revolves around refining the techniques to make your work as productive as possible. Such as? Today I will give you some practical advice on how to approach the world of affiliations and why not, maybe let you discover that earning with affiliations is actually your vocation!

To read this guide carefully, I suggest you get comfortable… thanks to these tips; it could change your approach to the entire online business you have been planning for some time…


If you decide to make money with affiliations, the online world is a melting pot of (more or less reliable) free or paid programs, to which you can register and start this journey. How does Amazon differ though? For a few years in Italy, Amazon has launched its own affiliate program; let’s find out how it works!

Earning with Amazon: an opportunity for your business!

Whether you have a blog, a mini site, a landing page or you have social pages, Amazon finds the right solution for your business. In the previous guides I have told you about how it is possible to make money with a blog, just briefly mentioning the world of affiliations.

Today I’ll tell you a secret: making money with a blog thanks to Amazon affiliations, it could be really interesting!

First of all, the first step is undoubtedly to create a ‘place’ for you to run and therefore profit from your affiliations; as already anticipated, you could have just put a blog online, or a mini showcase site .. Anyway, the advice in this case too is to choose a niche.

First of all, carry out a case study on the product categories most requested by customers and those on which other products can consequently be linked. Keep in mind that Amazon offers a wide range of product categories, so it would be good to find the one that is less inflated but which you think is catching on!

Once you have chosen the niche, your angle will be made up of potential customers who, wandering around the web, will search for that particular product; this is where the quality of the content you are offering comes into play: remember that online competition is fierce, the customer will find a large number of blogs or sites that deal with the same topic as you.. Which is why you will have to exceed quality standards.

Once you have chosen the niche, created the blog, you just have to register for the Amazon affiliate program.

To try to get greater visibility, I suggest you take advantage of the promotion of the website through Google or Facebook tools such as Google Adwords and Facebook Ads; by promoting the site, you will certainly have a better chance that the customer will land on your content, stop and perform the action we want.

To make money with a blog through Amazon affiliations, the next step will therefore be to create content, be it an article, a review or a post, in which you describe and recommend the chosen product.

After registering with Amazon for the affiliate program, having chosen the product category and more specifically the product, you just have to generate through the affiliate program, the affiliate link that you just need to copy and paste into the content you prepared on the blog .

Amazon provides captivating graphic tools to push the customer to perform the action: banners, buttons and obviously the classic link.

So study which one suits you best and place it more than once in the article or review, naturally prompting the customer to make a captivating call to action!

Once the customer, through your link, completes the purchase action, Amazon recognizes the commission on the sale. Not only! Unlike other affiliate programs, that of Amazon allows you to receive the commission even if the customer during that session should buy another product other than the one for which you have generated the link, as long as the lead has landed in Amazon through your affiliation.

The commissions that Amazon pays to the affiliate vary from a minimum of 5% to a maximum of 10% based on the Amazon product category.

You will understand well, therefore, that working, and above all earning with affiliations, is a job that could be extremely profitable or just a trivial “round up “.

Some recent research, however, has established that working with Amazon affiliations, on a constant and continuous basis, can guarantee to significantly increase online business.

As with all fields, however, you have to dedicate time, effort and risk.