There is nothing worse than your AC breaking down on the hottest day of the year. The breaking down of the ac might induce a surge of panic, but fortunately, most problems are relatively minor and could be solved on your own or by calling a professional. However, if your AC keeps breaking down frequently, dumping heaps of money into repairs does not make sense. It could be a sign of needing an upgrade. Repairing vs Replacing the AC is a common debate. But how exactly to tell if the problem is minor or when to replace your AC? There are a few factors you can assess to tell if your AC needs a replacement. 

Air Conditioning Installation Orlando

Before that, here is a list of problems to look out for in your AC:

  • Unusual noises or vibrations
  • Increased humidity levels
  • Frequent breakdowns
  • Increase in energy bills
  • Water leaking from AC
  • Problems in switching it on or off
  • Inefficient cooling 
  • Emitting alarming smell
  • Poor AC ventilation 

Things to consider while repairing or replacing your AC unit:

AC Unit Age: While deciding whether to repair your unit or go for a replacement, the first consideration should be the age of the unit. Most AC units have a life expectancy of 10-15 years. If maintained properly, ACs can perform for an even longer duration. But it is usually advised to change your AC unit after 10-15 years. The reason- newer models are usually more energy-efficient and could be a better long-term investment. If your AC has completed its course, it is time to call air conditioning installation Orlando. 

Cost of repair: Signs like loud noises while running, inefficient cooling, needing frequent repairs, all point towards a due replacement of the unit. If your repair bills are increasing, you are probably better off with a new Unit. If you have a relatively new AC, minor repairs now and then are common. 

Efficiency: Even the most well-maintained units start showing signs of ageing after completing their tenure. If you see your energy bills creeping up, uneven cooling in the house, then you should consider calling air conditioning installation Orlando for a new one. The SEER rating is used to measure your AC’s energy efficiency. Older ACs used to have low SEER ratings. Modern ACs have a SEER rating of at least 20 or more to help you save up on your energy bills.

Performance: If you notice a drastic decline in the performance of your AC unit or you often catch yourself wondering why you are still sweating despite an active AC unit, then it may be pointing to some serious issues. Some issues can be easily resolved by minor repairs but persisting issues are a sign of a pending up-gradation. 

Questions? Consult an HVACR professional from 24 Hr air conditioning service

Get easy, fast and simple solutions to your AC needs. Book a call today and get in touch with our air conditioning installation experts, Orlando