Shade Sails offers the ultimate in outdoor shade products for both residential and commercial use. Our products come in a variety of shapes and sizes, offer protection from harsh UV rays and inclement weather, and are available for purchase both in our shop or online.

What are Outdoor Shades?

Shade Sails are an international manufacturer of outdoor shades and canopies. We have produced quality shade products for over 30 years now, and over that time we have pioneered a number of innovations to create the ultimate in shade sails for customers both at home and abroad.

Benefits of Outdoor Shade Products:

There are many benefits to using outdoor shades. Whether you’re looking for some extra protection when enjoying your favourite pastime or a more aesthetically pleasing way to enhance the look of your home, we have a solution for you.

For years, the answer to creating shade outdoors has been through the use of umbrellas and canopies. Although these coverings work well enough, they are easily damaged by strong winds and inclement weather. They also don’t provide as much shade as traditional outdoor shades do, as they remain stationary and can’t be adjusted to various angles like our products can.

Shade Sails also offer a great deal in terms of both heat and UV protection, as one of the main things you’ll want to do once outdoors is stay out of the hot sun. Our shades are made with high-grade materials that not only block out the sun and keep you safe from the harmful UV rays it gives off, but they also protect you from the elements for added comfort. Many people don’t realize that just because it isn’t raining or snowing outside doesn’t mean that you aren’t exposed to harmful weather. Damaging winds and extreme heat can lead to health problems like dehydration when exposed for long periods of time.

What is Shade Sails?

Shade Sails is the premier manufacturer of exterior shade products to protect from UV rays and inclement weather conditions. We provide many different types of sailcloth materials that can be customized to meet your needs. Our sails can be installed by professionals or by do-it-yourselves with simple tools, like an electric drill with a screwdriver bit attachment.


Shade Sails offers a premium line of outdoor shade products that far exceed the standard offerings of other companies. Our products are designed to not only provide total protection from harsh UV rays and inclement weather conditions, but also provide you with more options to protect your space than traditional outdoor shade products. SD Sails offers many options for shade sail fabric, canopy frame options, and custom colors and patterns. When choosing an outdoor shade product, think SHADE Sails!

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