User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) go hand in hand when it comes to making the best design possible. UX design involves researching and planning the general layout of an app or website before it’s built, while UI design deals with the specific elements that make up the finished product, such as fonts, colors, images, buttons, and photos. These two disciplines are designed to allow you to deliver the best possible experience to your target audience. To do this effectively, you need to be familiar with the principles of UX/UI design that every great designer follows.




This is your understanding of how to arrange components on a page and how they interact with each other. Try making multiple layouts with different arrangements, paying attention to which arrangement results in a more comfortable experience for your users. For example, if one arrangement doesn’t clearly communicate what content is related, move things around until they do.




One of your top priorities in designing a product is for it to be clear and easy to use. When making your product look more accessible, think about contrast between elements and text. Whitespace: Whitespace is like free advertising space, leaving room for people’s eyes to rest and allowing them to scan pages easier. It allows users focus on specific elements, instead of distracting them with other items on a page or screen. Feedback: Providing visual feedback when interacting with your design will make it easier for people use.


Colour Theory


This is a crucial tool for your arsenal. Colour theory is essentially concerned with how colours relate to one another and it’s important for building balanced designs. Here are some basics that will help you choose colours that play well together


Don’t Place Important Elements Too Close Together


Users are naturally drawn to any and all text, so don’t place important elements too close together. In fact, if possible, try your best to have them on opposite sides of a page or space. If there is an action you want users to take (such as signing up for your mailing list), make sure that it’s visible at first glance. You can also direct them toward it by pulling them with lines or arrows pointing in its direction.



UI/UX design is a crucial part of almost any project and is something every entrepreneur should consider when building their app or website. It is an intricate process that’s hard to do on your own, so if you’re looking for a UI UX design studio in Bangalore, visit Pepper Square today.