A trademark is a letter, word, phrase, number, image, form, sound, or movement component of packaging or a combination of these aspects. A trademark is both a method of identifying a product or service and a valuable marketing tool.

Every company, no matter how big or little needs to register a trademark. It secures and guarantees that your material is safe from any attempts at reproduction. Several legal firms provide online trademark registration services in Pakistan, making them available to both local and overseas Pakistanis. The online trademark registration process in Pakistan is comparable to the on-ground registration process, with all payments and paperwork completed online.

Benefits of trademark registration in Pakistan

The following are the key advantages of having a trademark registered:

  • Claim notification to any other companies considering utilizing the same symbol or word as its trademark.
  • A legal presumption of ownership can serve to keep potential users at bay.
  • The exclusive right to use the asserted trademark.

Trademark Registration Process in Pakistan

  1. TMR conducts a comprehensive search when a trademark application is submitted to see if a trademark with a similar name or pattern already exists. If it does, you’ll have to reconsider, but if it doesn’t, you’re free to leave.
  2. After you’ve finished your search, you’ll be asked to fill out a form with all relevant information, and the products you want to register will be categorized.
  3. After you submit your application, it is examined for five days to see if there are any objections, and if there aren’t, it is moved forward.
  4. When the 15-day deadline has elapsed and your application has passed without objections, it is accepted.
  5. Once approved, the trademark is published in a regular digital journal, allowing everyone in the world to see the number of trademarks that have been registered.
  6. If the general public has any complaints, they have two months from the publication of the monthly digital magazine to voice them.
  7. The trademark is registered if no objections are filed within the two-month term.