Hip and valley roofs are just modified hip roofs. The surfaces have essentially the same shape and pitch, but on a plan, the base shape shifts from a straightforward rectangle to a “T” or “L” shape.

The major purpose of a hip and valley roof, which is shaped like a pyramid, is to provide wind resistance. People who live in regions with severe rainfall or regions where snowfall occurs typically choose these roofs.

Hip and valley roofs serve to swiftly remove snow and rain from the top of a house since it is difficult to remove snow from a flat surface and there is a significant likelihood that the roof may leak during periods of heavy rain.

When creating a hip valley roof, multiple pyramids are combined, giving the architect’s house a new appearance. These kinds of roofs also have good stability.

Hip and valley rafters are required to support a hip and valley roof. These rafters support weight and are spaced at an angle, often 45 degrees. The rafters end at common rafters on each side and meet at a common ridge. To support the weight of a hip and valley roof, the rafters need to be fitted precisely.