Many PCOS women ask Dr. Mona Dahiya what are the types of PCOS. PCOS is a very common disorder in young ladies. It is seen in adolescent girls and young women. The symptoms are related to irregular menstrual cycles. There are other features like acne, hirsutism, weight gain, etc. It is a metabolic and hormonal disorder. Later on in life, females with PCOS are more likely to develop complications like diabetes and heart disease. Therefore, it is important to diagnose and control PCOS. This also helps in the control of metabolic complications.

Many subfertile couples come to us with PCOS. In such cases there is oligomenorrhoea. Menstrual cycles are not regular. They do not occur every month. There is anovulation which means that an egg is not produced every month. We all know that for pregnancy to occur, the egg has to be released from the ovary in the female. If there is no egg, it is not possible to get pregnant. To treat this medicines are given so that an egg is formed. Sometimes, the ladies do not respond with oral medicines alone and injections have to be added. Then once the egg is formed, the couple can try it naturally.

If conception does not happen by trying naturally, then a simple procedure like IUI can be done. For this, an HSG (HYSTEROSALPINGOGRAM) is done. If the tubes are patent and the husband’s semen analysis is normal, then IUI can be done. The success rate of IUI is around 15 percent per cycle. Therefore, if one IUI does not work, 2 or 3 attempts can be made so that the cumulative success rate is increased.

Those couples who fail to conceive by IUI can then go in for IVF. All this treatment protocol is decided at Little Angel IVF by Dr. Mona Dahiya who has helped several couples with PCOS to become parents.