The internet and Captcha are complementary. It is still used today, 25 years after its introduction. It was created in the late 1990s by experts who were conducting Turing tests to determine if Ai could detect whether a user is real or bot. Though they were supposed to be easier for humans hard for bots things got complicated because they have become even harder for humans and the increasing use of anticaptcha is the major proof of it. Does that mean they hate Captcha just because they have to access the anti Captcha? Although the answer is “yes”, there are many reasons why you hate Captcha.


Websites are nothing without their average visitors. If you have provided quality content and information, along with useful resources, then you will have succeeded in attracting the right audience. It has been observed that websites that emphasize security and require users to solve Captcha from nowhere all the time are just irritating. Users leave the site. This can increase bounce rates and negatively impact your website’s rating. Some users might find anti captcha API annoying, but it may be necessary to obtain Captcha for a specific problem.

Too Much Time Consuming

Captcha is another problem on websites. Although Captcha was introduced first in Turing tests, there are now hundreds of Captcha types available online. Some Captcha types can be fun, but most are too time-consuming. This can be particularly irritating for people with disabilities. The anti captcha key can be used to assist those who are not able to. However, some may find the Captcha as torture.

It’s a Free Labor

It is common to say that nothing in the world is free. Captcha is one example of this. Although it is free from Google, it doesn’t come free. The answers they get are stored and then used to teach AI.

This Design Is Ridiculous

Sometimes, the Captcha design can be so absurd that it is difficult for anyone to comprehend what they are seeing. You cannot understand the letters or words. What’s worse, you may know what it says but have no idea of what it means. Captcha is the most problematic part of the internet. It works well for basic internet security, but it can be difficult to solve without anticaptcha.