The bathroom is among the worst places to have untreated sewage. It is not only gross but is a very great health risk that can affect you and your family. The mould and bacteria that grows in sewages can be very dangerous for the people that are exposed to it. The sewage definitely needs to be cleaned thoroughly. However, the main cause of the sewage also has to be known to ensure that it does not persist. There can be many reasons for the sewage. Let us look at what these are and what you can do about it.


The Reason

What is the reason behind the sewage? And can you take care of it on your own? In most cases, a professional plumber should be consulted to take care of the sewage to ensure that all kinds of infections are kept at bay. For a Plumber Keysbrook located, ours is available. One possible reason for the sewage coming up is the blockage of the sewer line. A clogged sewer can be caused by the waste of your bathroom or accidental placement of your objects. Things like grease, hair, food waste, toys, soap, jewellery, dirt, items that cannot be flushed, rocks, rodents or tree parts can be blocking your sewer line.


Fixing the blocked sewer line

The best way to fix a blocked sewer line is obviously to contact a professional plumber that is licensed for the job. There are some do’s and don’ts for you if you decide to take the job in your own hands. Here are some tips on carrying out the operation safely:

  1. Steer away from plungers

No matter what your intuition says about the cleaning, you should steer clear from plungers because they will not be able to unclog the sewer line in any way. They will only loosen the materials that are causing the blockage but this step is of no use to you in efficiently cleaning the sewer line to stop sewage from coming up.

  1. Turn off the main source of water

To prevent wastage of water you should turn off the main source of water. This step also prevents the flow of more sewage that can come from the bathroom drain. This is an important step that should be taken and should not be underestimated in the process of cleaning the sewer.

  1. Check the vent pipe

Sometimes, it is the vent pipe that is blocked and not the sewer line. Thus, it is an important step to check the vent pipe as well. The vent pipe must be cleaned in order to get all the clogging materials out of the way so that the sewer can drain properly and efficiently. Finding where the vent pipe is can be a hard task. It is usually on the roof; above the place your bathroom is located.

You should keep in mind that your inexperience in the field can create more damage that can be even more expensive to repair. Thus, you should contact a Plumber East Rockingham has for your repair.