
It is interesting to note that rice, an apparently simple grain, is actually a crucial player in the world’s leading rice exporter trade. Domestic and international rice consumers are served by a number of large rice-producing countries. They compete according to the amount, quality, cost, and trading rules of rice. It’s like a big contest that affects both their own economies and the food on our plates. Even though it’s not always in the spotlight, the story of global rice trade is quietly significant, making a big impact on the world.

Here is list of the top World’s leading rice exporter countries in 2023:

  1. India

India is No 1 World’s leading rice exporter country, monsoon season and varied rice cultivation make it the world’s leading rice exporter. India pays between $350 and $370 per tonne for rice, which over half of the world’s total volume of rice is sold at wholesale. Notably, the highly regarded Basmati rice accounts for 40% of India’s rice exports, demonstrating the country’s rich rice legacy. This economic milestone underscores India’s agricultural prowess and its significant role in global trade.

  1. Thailand

Thailand, the largest rice exporter in the world, is still doing well in the global rice market. Over 8.2 metric tonnes are anticipated to be exported in the 2022–2023 season. Known for its exceptional jasmine rice from the country’s northeast, Thailand offers a culinary gem that delights palates worldwide. Beyond jasmine rice, the Thai rice industry boasts an array of varieties, including organic, gluten-free, and parboiled options, showcasing their commitment to diversifying their agricultural products.

  1. Vietnam

Famous for its vibrant rice paddies and strong agricultural heritage, Vietnam is currently undergoing a major shift in its approach to exporting rice. The government has announced an ambitious plan to revise its policies, demonstrating a dedication to reviewing the country’s methods for producing and trading rice. As Vietnam boasts a market share of close to 6.8 million metric tones of rice in the upcoming 2022-2023 season, it remains a leading global exporter and is prompting transformations in the international rice trade landscape, showcasing the changing dynamics within its own agricultural sector. As one of the world’s leading rice exporters, Vietnam is setting the stage for changes in global rice markets.

  1. Pakistan

Pakistan, a global rice industry leader, is set to export about 3.8 million metric tones in 2022-2023, ranking fourth worldwide. The provinces of Punjab and Sindh are key producers of basmati and non-basmati long-grain white rice, driving the nation’s economy and food supply. Pakistan’s rice is renowned for its quality, making an impact both domestically and internationally, highlighting its pivotal role in the economy and global agriculture.

  1. Burma

Burma ranks as the fifth-leading rice exporter in the 2022-2023 market., stands out with a remarkable share of approximately 2.4 million metric tones. The majority of Burma’s rice is long-grain, parboiled white rice, celebrated for its exceptional quality. These fields, rooted in the nation’s rich history, showcase the resilience and agricultural traditions of Myanmar, as they supply the nation’s needs and journey to distant corners of the world.

  1. China

China’s entrenched relationship with rice transcends its status as the world’s largest rice producer. It will be the sixth largest global rice supplier by 2022-2023, with an estimated 2.2 million metric tones. From lush river plains to scenic Yunnan terraces, China’s diverse landscapes have spawned an array of rice varieties, driven by an unwavering commitment to innovation. Chinese rice not only feeds its vast population but also adorns tables worldwide, illustrating its global influence on the rice market.

  1. United States

In the years 2022-2023, the company is positioned to be the seventh largest rice producer in the world, with a market share of about 2.0 million tons, mainly in six states: Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri and Texas. These rice fields, a picturesque sight in the Southern states where the Mississippi Delta meets the Mexican Atlantic Ocean, underscore the nation’s flexibility and contribution to the global food market.

  1. Cambodia

Cambodia, in the agricultural arena of 2022-2023, shines as the world’s eighth-largest rice supplier, contributing 1.6 million metric tonnes. Situated between the Mekong River and the picturesque Tonle Sap Lake, its lush rice fields pay homage to both nature’s bounty and human resilience. Fed by the Mekong, each grain carries the essence of its vibrant culture. Beyond nourishing its own population, the rice forms global connections that transcend borders, creating a unique story of cultural exchange.

  1. Brazil 

Brazil’s rice exports have seen a remarkable boost in recent years, with 2022 being a standout period. The country witnessed a significant increase in both export volume and value, surpassing 2 million tones and generating US$657.5 million. Notably, paddy rice exports rose, though processed rice continued to dominate. Brown rice exports particularly stood out, surging by 200% compared to the previous five-year average. Looking forward to 2023, a smaller rice crop in Brazil is expected, but increased international demand due to reduced harvests in major producing countries, particularly in Asia, is opening doors for Brazil to diversify its exports.

  1. Uruguay

Uruguay has not only earned a reputation for its stunning landscapes but has also become a prominent figure in the world of rice exports. The country’s rice exports in 2021 hit an impressive $393 million, ranking it as the 10th largest rice exporter globally. Uruguay’s rice doesn’t stay put; it travels to more than 60 different countries. Key destinations for its rice include Mexico, Brazil, and the United States. This thriving industry showcases Uruguay’s expertise in agriculture and its ability to feed people across the world.


10 Top rice exporters in the world, as mentioned above, play a crucial role in the global food market. With diverse production, renowned varieties, and innovative approaches, these nations significantly impact economies and food security worldwide. This data underscores the quiet yet significant influence of rice on the world.