What is AI research?

To put it simply, it’s the act of pursuing artificial intelligence and its potential.

At its most fundamental level, AI can be described as a set of algorithms that enable machines to perceive their surrounding environment and respond to it accordingly; thus giving rise to intelligent behavior in any given situation. Through progressively enhanced technology, we have witnessed an ever-increasing rate at which AI has advanced – from initial efforts that merely resembled human intellects on a rudimentary scale up to today’s sophisticated systems capable of perceiving data with greater levels of proficiency than ever before!

Yet despite this impressive achievement, AI remains at its infancy. We’ve made considerable strides forward towards achieving smarter systems, but there’s still much work ahead – especially when it comes to creating something truly astoundingly intelligent like HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey!


AI Research: How Does It Work?


What, exactly, is artificial intelligence (AI)? This technology has come a long way since its inception.

Nowadays, AI is a powerful tool that can be harnessed by researchers to accomplish some amazing feats. Scientists use AI-related technologies like machine learning and deep learning in order to devise new solutions for problems facing humanity.

To put it simply, AI is an automated system that learns over time. By employing various techniques such as supervised learning or unsupervised learning, it can make intelligent decisions on its own accord!


How AI Research Will Change the World


AI researchers are conducting groundbreaking research that could alter our world for the better; their creations will likely revolutionize fields such as medicine, law enforcement and education.

On this page, we take a look at how AI research is already revolutionizing lives around the globe – from aiding children with autism to revolutionizing our transportation systems! Additionally, we explore how AI-infused innovations could have an even greater impact on society than previously imagined.


AI Will Be More Intelligent Than Humans


Already, machines have surpassed humans at games like chess and Jeopardy!, and are drawing on vast amounts of knowledge to help humans, such as in the medical field. Soon enough, expect these devices to be able to comprehend human conversations and respond appropriately – just as well as if it were conversing with a person!

Andrew Ng recently stated that artificial intelligence (AI) will surpass human intelligence within 50 years. His forecast is based on an optimistic scenario wherein the rate of progress increases exponentially, leading us into an age where machines could potentially surpass their creators! Indeed – this may not be far off after all!

Sheena Stickel, professor of management at Dartmouth College, has been pondering over how AI has affected employment patterns. The answer? It’s led to job losses in America – a staggering number: more than half a million jobs lost already since 1980 due to automation!

Today’s computers are remarkable feats of engineering; however, they still lack one key ingredient known as ‘cognitive ability’. In order for AI to advance beyond its current state, scientists must find a way to unlock its potential.


Text Analysis: AI Can Understand Written Language Better Than Humans


Researchers at Google’s AI Research lab have recently unveiled a groundbreaking advancement in machine learning, demonstrating how it can apparently comprehend the written word better than humans can.

Google knows a thing or two about text analysis, having recently introduced an incredibly impressive speech recognition system called ‘TensorFlow’. This technology allows developers to create custom, enterprise-scale machine learning solutions using Python – which is undoubtedly quite convenient! However, there are still plenty of areas where sophisticated applications are required to more effectively process language; particularly where accuracy and comprehensibility are concerned. With that in mind – consider this recent research:

A team of researchers from Google’s AI and ML research group at Mountain View created a program capable of analyzing written texts for meaning and employing statistical methods such as co-occurrence to determine their probability of occurrence. Utilizing this tool, they were able to identify patterns within datasets comprising nearly one billion words with 90% accuracy! The extraordinary precision achieved by these efforts has never before been seen – even among human experts!


Autonomous Car Reporting System: AI Can Recognize Dangerous Situations and Report Them


Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) have developed an autonomous car reporting system that can flag hazardous driving situations and specify their severity. The system employs deep learning to recognize when drivers are disobeying traffic laws or making risky maneuvers like swerving out of lanes without any justification. It additionally incorporates data from recent accidents in order to offer a more objective assessment of road conditions than human drivers could achieve alone!

Recently, researchers at MIT created software that could accurately predict the likelihood of an automobile accident occurring before it even happened, giving drivers valuable time to take evasive action if necessary. Using algorithms along with high-resolution sensors within an autonomous car – such as radar and cameras – this software can identify potential trouble spots on winding roads and assess how fast traffic is moving before taking any precipitous turns; thereby allowing one to stay focused on the road ahead while keeping an eye on the onboard systems.


Autonomous Launch System: Self-Flying Vehicle That Can Fire Rockets


The launch system from Votex was created to send out satellites into orbit – all on its own.

This is not your grandfather’s space vehicle; this one takes off, lands and can fire rockets too! Unveiling plans for an aircraft-like craft that would be capable of traveling across the sky under its own power with unerring accuracy and precision.

The Votex launch system will communicate with its onboard computer using an array of sensors, including GPS and inertial measurement units (IMUs) in order to deliver autonomous flight. However, it will remain firmly tethered to the ground during these procedures as well as when docked at spaceports and airports along routes – lest they drift off course over time!

When launched, the Votex system will take a few days to reach orbit before it reaches its destination location. If you want it there sooner rather than later – don’t forget to invest in this amazing flight plan!


How to Get Access to This Free Research


Are you curious about the most recent developments in AI-based research? Don’t let curiosity cost you! All that is required to gain access to this free content pack is an e-mail address.

This means that anyone can send a request to receive their free research materials – no strings attached! However, it is not possible to obtain them more than once every 30 days.




AI is ushering in an era of unprecedented innovation, from making medical diagnoses to enabling self-driving cars and providing assistance to the elderly. But, as with all technological advancements, there are those who see this age as an opportunity for job loss – and others who fear it could create new forms of inequality.

As we head into a period of rapid transformation, from human labor to AI as our principal support system, what will be your approach? Are you ready to embrace AI as an integral part of life and welcome it into the household – or do you prefer to maintain a cautious distance?