Software for maintaining electronic medical records (EMRs) is the digital equivalent of paper charts at a doctor’s office.Electronic medical records (EMRs) are databases that document the health and treatment of a practice’s patients. All of these functions, and more, are performed by electronic health records (EHRs). Electronic medical record software takes a more holistic approach to patient care by including information beyond the scope of what is typically recorded in a doctor’s office. Electronic health records (EHRs) in medicine are meant to be used by more than just the healthcare facility that gathered the data in the first place.

The electronic medical records software by KareXpert reduces overhead and maximizes efficiency.

Full Medical History

To upload patient medical records, medications, etc., EHR and EMR Software has modernized the entire procedure.

Put Medical Files Online

You may now digitally save patient information and electronically send medications to your patients.

Control Medical Reports

Access to diagnostic findings can be expedited with the use of electronic medical record software.

Check Out Updates

Get a comprehensive picture of the patient’s health status, along with alerts for any deviation from the norm.

The electronic health record (EHR) and electronic medical record (EMR) software maintained by the medical records department (MRD) also stores paper copies of the patient’s medical history.

Prescription Drug Requirement Form

The MAR worklist, medication administration, order list for drug purpose, and frequency & time mapping are all organized by electronic health records software.

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