Laying down that your company believes in diversity and stepping up for it is a different story. It can be an asset; it brings out individual strength and potential.

Diversity hiring means the special measures taken by the organization to reduce discrimination according to age, gender, religion, color, sexual orientation, or other physical attributes. This is also a value shared by the diversity job boards in Canada.

It aims at reducing potential biases that can happen during sourcing and screening.

Here we have laid out how you can easily include diversity in the workplace.

1.Assess your screening process.

It is important to assess the diversity of the hiring process and identify potential loopholes and discrepancies. Analyzing the process will give you an accurate picture of how to resolve the issues.

Understand the strengths and challenges of diversity hiring, just like black HR professionals who ensure that bias-free analysis is done.

2: Pick one area to improve at a time.

Analyzing the diversity process can be overwhelming; instead of putting your hands on everything, try to work on one metric at a time. The Black HR professionals work on improving the scenario to make the hiring process easy.

3.Increase diversity in hiring by sourcing candidates.

If your analysis results show that you have failed to attract diverse candidates, here are a few things that you can do:

  • Redo your job posting or listing.
  • Show your current diversity standing to aspiring candidates and encourage them to join.
  • Offer workplace flexibility in terms of working

4: Increase your diversity hiring during the screening process.

Usually, the screening process focuses on school background, previous job, personal connection, etc., which narrows down the screening process and decreases diversity in hiring.

  • Here are a few things you can do to increase diversity screening:
  • Work on the pre-hiring personality assessment.
  • Blind hiring technique: in this, the personal information is blinded, and the candidate can be biased while hiring.

5: Increasing diversity while shortlisting the candidates

There are ways in which you can enhance your process:

Intelligent hiring: instead of manual hiring, you can save time by using tools or software available that apply all the criteria needed for the job and shortlist candidates accordingly.

A Diversity Job Board Canada ensures that the workplace comprises employees from varied cultures, characteristics, races, sexual orientations, etc. 


To make this process successful, make sure you collect all the data by analyzing the hiring process that you have been following. The above-mentioned information will surely help you achieve that.