Having a properly adjusted and secured baby car seat is crucial since protecting your infant is of the highest importance. Selecting the ideal model may first appear difficult, but thanks to its impact absorption features, you can be certain that in the event of an accident, unexpected forces will be diverted away from your child. Every time you take them on a journey, choosing this extra safety precaution gives you priceless piece of mind. Just remember to always place their car seat firmly on the backseat.

Even while driving on the roadways, it is only normal for us as parents to want to keep our kids close by and safe at all times. Because ensuring their safety is of the highest importance, Singaporean legislation stipulates that every passenger who is under 1.35 meters in height must be positioned safely in a car seat, which must be installed precisely where it should fit best: in the backseat. Because Not Too Big has a wide variety of infant car seats from different manufacturers, you can easily pick one that exactly suits your child’s requirements and feel at rest knowing they are secure and having fun on every trip you do together.


Different Types of Baby Car Seats

It’s crucial to ensure your baby’s safety when traveling, so look into several car seat options to pick one that suits your needs and your budget. There are several options to keep little children safe, including baby carriers for newborns, convertible versions for toddlers through preschoolers, or booster seats for school-age children.

  • baby car seat. Infants need particular protection while traveling in a vehicle because of their fragile bones and weak muscles. The easiest approach to guarantee their security is to use a rear-facing baby car seat, which will protect their heads in the event of a sudden halt or accident. This avoids your darling child from suffering major harm or, most sadly, passing away.
  • A seat that faces forward. With this forward-facing seat, you can guarantee your child’s security and comfort while driving. This car seat is particularly made for larger, older children who can hold their heads on their own. It has a secure harnessing mechanism, so you may drive for hours on end with peace of mind.
  • Car seat booster. Use a booster seat to ensure the security and comfort of your youngster. Booster seats provide youngsters aged four and older the ideal fit between the back passenger seat and installed seat belt, allowing you to drive with confidence. Every family traveling together may choose a design that works for them by selecting from either high-backrest or non-high-back options.
  • Convertible car seats. provide excellent value for families and a variety of features to help you get the most out of your investment. From infancy through toddler hood and beyond, these kid-friendly designs may be utilized with babies facing backward as infants or forward as they become older! Many convertible variants come with additional features like cup holders and a canopy for sun protection, making them lightweight carriers and convertible strollers for added convenience.


The Best Car Seat For Your Child

Finding the right car seat for your infant might be challenging, but with little study and preparation, you will find it. You may decide which is best for the two of you by taking into account features like size, weight capacity, and installation alternatives. It’s time to start looking into it; this is a big choice that might affect their safety in the future.

  • Age and size are important factors to take into account when choosing the best car seat for your kid while getting ready to travel with them. Age is a crucial consideration when choosing a model since manufacturers take it into account when creating items, yet some children might be bigger or smaller than their classmates in the same developmental period. Therefore, regardless of age, you should always seek a car seat that fits your unique child adequately.
  • Be careful to first think about what size fits in your car while looking for the ideal car seat for your family. It’s important to confirm compatibility before you purchase since different manufacturers often provide chairs in a range of sizes and styles. Asking a seller is a simple approach to guarantee appropriate installation.



Why Is the Child Seat in the Backseat? It is preferable to put your child’s car seat in the backseat of your car to keep them safe when driving. Your child is too young to sit in the front passenger seat since an airbag deployed from either side might seriously injure them in an accident. Even with a properly installed booster or car seat in the front, there is still a chance for injury; moving them to the back of any vehicle totally removes this risk.