What if you don’t know where your loved one is buried?

Online database

Launched a unique project PeopleLegacy. A resource with great functionality contains information about a million graves . You do not need to know the exact date of death of the deceased. It is enough to enter his initials!

The search is conducted on such positions as:

  • Date of Birth,
  • Date of death,
  • cemetery name,
  • Cemetery location.

You can also make adjustments to the information if you find inaccuracies or missing data. The posted photographs will allow assessing the condition of the grave and, if necessary, ordering  the improvement of the burial.

Information terminals

Today, special information boards are installed in  cemeteries. They allow you to find out basic information about the deceased: first name, last name, patronymic, dates of birth and death, as well as the specific location of the burial

Cemetery administration

The administration of each cemetery maintains its own register of graves. Unfortunately, this information is rarely advertised. Difficulties also arise when searching for an old record. Information on paper media can be lost, damaged by water or fire, eaten by rodents. In the end, the ink can simply fade.

However, it’s still worth a try. And if, in addition to the initials, you say the date of the funeral, then you will greatly simplify the task for the churchyard staff and speed up the search.

Despite the fact that the registry offices have information about the death of a relative, it is unlikely to help in finding the burial place. The place of death is often different from the place of burial. The date of death does not exactly match the date of the funeral.

Funeral attendees

Those who attended the funeral can help in finding the grave of the deceased. The participants of the funeral procession will tell you exactly in which cemetery the burial took place and will orient you according to the location of the grave.

Independent search

If no one can help, try searching on your own. How to do it?

  1. Try to remember the approximate period when the funeral took place. The more accurate the date, the faster you will find the grave. Use peoplelegacy.com find a grave to increase your chances. 
  2. Find out in which locality a relative lived in recent years. Having determined this fact, you will determine by 90% where the burial is located. A notary can help you with this. Contact him with the passport details of the deceased to find out if the inheritance was formalized. If yes, then the city of opening of the inheritance is likely to be the city where the person died.
  3. Having determined the settlement of residence, go to all the cemeteries of the city. If you are dealing with a million-plus city, then it is easier to contact the administration. There you can learn about closed and active necropolises. This will help reduce your search time.
  4. Explore the cemeteries. Yes, the work will be long and laborious, but it will certainly be crowned with a good result.

When looking for a relative’s grave, don’t be discouraged at the first failure. Try different options and then you will be lucky!