Janam Kundli or Birth Chart is a significant tool in Vedic astrology that is used to understand the various aspects of one’s life. In recent years, the availability of online janam kundli has made it easier for people to access their birth charts from anywhere in the world. In this article, we will discuss how to leverage online janam kundli for maximum impact.

Definition of Online Janam Kundli:

An online janam kundli is a digital version of a person’s birth chart that is available on various websites and astrology apps. It is created using the individual’s birth date, time, and place of birth.

Importance of Online Janam Kundli:

An online janam kundli is a valuable tool for self-awareness and personal growth. It provides insight into a person’s personality, strengths, weaknesses, and potential. Understanding one’s birth chart can help individuals make informed decisions and take advantage of opportunities that align with their strengths and weaknesses.

How to Create an Online Janam Kundli in English:

To create an online janam kundli in English, one can visit various astrology websites or download an astrology app. These platforms usually require the individual’s birth details, such as their date, time, and place of birth. Once entered, the software generates a birth chart in English.

Understanding the Different Aspects of the Birth Chart in English:

The Kundli chart in English consists of 12 houses, each representing different aspects of an individual’s life, such as career, relationships, health, and spirituality. Each house is associated with a specific zodiac sign and planet, which can impact the individual’s life in various ways.

How to Use the English Janam Kundli for Personal Growth:

By understanding the different aspects of their birth chart, individuals can leverage their strengths and work on their weaknesses to achieve personal growth. They can identify the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead and take steps to overcome them.

How to Create an Online Janam Kundli in Hindi:

To create an online janam kundli in Hindi, individuals can use astrology websites or apps that support the Hindi language. The process is similar to creating an English janam kundli and requires the individual’s birth details.

Understanding the Different Aspects of the Birth Chart in Hindi:

The Hindi birth chart also consists of 12 houses, each representing different aspects of an individual’s life. However, the house names and zodiac signs are in the Hindi language, making it more accessible for Hindi-speaking individuals.

How to Use the Hindi Janam Kundli for Personal Growth:

By understanding the different aspects of their Hindi kundli online, individuals can use their strengths to achieve their goals and overcome their weaknesses. They can take advantage of opportunities that align with their planetary positions and work on their challenges.

Importance of Analysing the Full Kundli:

While the birth chart provides valuable insight into a person’s life, analysing the full kundli can provide a more comprehensive understanding of their life. The full kundli includes information about the individual’s nakshatras, dasas, and planetary transits, which can impact their life in significant ways.

Using the Full Kundli for Decision-Making:

By analysing the full kundli, individuals can make informed decisions about various aspects of their life, such as career, education, and relationships. They can identify the best time for starting a new project, changing jobs, or getting married, based on their planetary positions.

How to Use Kundali for Matchmaking:

Kundali matching is a popular practice in India, where the birth charts of two individuals are compared to assess their compatibility for marriage. The process involves analysing the various aspects of their birth charts, such as their nakshatras and gunas.

Understanding the Different As pects of Kundali Matching:

Kundali matching involves assessing the compatibility of the couple based on their birth charts. The process includes analysing the different aspects of their charts, such as their moon signs, nakshatras, and gunas. The higher the number of gunas that match, the better the compatibility between the couple.

Tips for Successful Matchmaking by Kundali:

To ensure successful matchmaking kundli, it is essential to consult with an experienced astrologer who can provide accurate analysis and guidance. It is also important to consider other factors such as the couple’s values, beliefs, and personalities, in addition to their kundali matching.

matchmaking kundli


An online janam kundli is a powerful tool that can provide valuable insight into one’s life. By understanding the different aspects of their birth chart, individuals can leverage their strengths and overcome their weaknesses to achieve personal growth. Analysing the full kundli and using kundali matching for marriage can provide a comprehensive understanding of one’s life and assist in making informed decisions. By leveraging the power of online janam kundli, individuals can achieve maximum impact in their lives.