Locks play a crucial role in ensuring the security of your property. However, over time, locks can become faulty or worn out, increasing the risk of break-ins. When this happens, it’s important to consider lock change. If you’re in York, this guide will help you understand everything you need to know about lock change york.

What is Lock Change?

Lock change is the process of replacing the existing lock on a door or window with a new one. The new lock will have a different key, making it more secure than the old lock. Lock change can be necessary for various reasons, including damage, wear and tear, lost keys, or simply to upgrade to a better lock.

When Should You Consider Lock Change?

There are several reasons why you should consider lock change. These include:

  1. Security concerns: If you feel that your current lock is not secure enough or has been compromised in any way, it’s time to change it.
  2. Damage: If your lock is damaged or worn out, it may not function properly. This could make it easier for someone to break in.
  3. Lost keys: If you’ve lost your keys, you should change the lock to prevent unauthorized access.
  4. Upgrade: If you want to upgrade your lock to a more secure or advanced one, lock change is the way to go.
  5. Moving into a new property: When moving into a new property, it’s important to change the locks for security reasons. You never know who might have a spare key.

How to Change a Lock in York

Changing a lock in York is a relatively straightforward process. Here are the steps involved:

  1. Choose a new lock: There are various types of locks available, so choose one that meets your needs and budget.
  2. Remove the old lock: Use a screwdriver to remove the screws holding the old lock in place. You may need to remove the strike plate as well.
  3. Install the new lock: Insert the new lock into the hole, making sure it’s level. Tighten the screws and test the lock to ensure it’s functioning properly.
  4. Test the keys: Test the new keys to make sure they work.

Hiring a Professional Locksmith in York

While changing a lock may seem like a simple task, it’s important to hire a professional locksmith in York to do the job. A professional locksmith will have the skills and experience to ensure that the lock is installed correctly and functions properly. They will also be able to recommend the best lock for your needs and provide advice on how to maintain it.

When choosing a locksmith in York, look for one with a good reputation and plenty of experience. They should also be licensed and insured. Don’t be afraid to ask for references or to check online reviews before hiring a locksmith.

Cost of Lock Change in York

The cost of lock change in York will depend on several factors, including the type of lock you choose, the complexity of the installation, and the locksmith you hire. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from £60 to £200 for lock change in York.


Lock change is an important aspect of home security. Whether you’re looking to upgrade your lock or replace a faulty one, it’s important to hire a professional locksmith in York to do the job. With the right lock and proper installation, you can have peace of mind knowing that your property is secure.