Introduction: The kitchen is a hub of culinary creativity, but it’s also a place where safety should never be overlooked. To help you master the art of cooking while keeping hazards at bay, we’ve gathered some invaluable kitchen safety tips. Whether you’re a home chef or just starting to explore the world of cooking, these insights will keep your kitchen a secure and enjoyable space.

Kitchen Safety Tips for Wilshire Refrigeration Customers

  1. Maintain Your Appliances: Your kitchen appliances are your trusted companions. Ensure they’re in optimal working condition by scheduling regular maintenance. For instance, if you own a Wilshire Refrigeration unit, have it serviced to maintain its cooling efficiency. Well-maintained appliances are not only safer but also more energy-efficient.

  2. Mind the Grease: Cooking with oil can be risky due to the potential for grease fires. To minimize this risk, never leave hot oil unattended and keep a tight-fitting lid nearby to smother any potential flames. In case of a grease fire, never use water; instead, use the lid to cover the pan and turn off the heat.

  3. Safe Food Handling: Proper food handling is paramount for kitchen safety. Wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling food, and make sure to keep perishables refrigerated at the right temperature. Also, follow guidelines for defrosting and reheating food to prevent foodborne illnesses.

  4. Secure Flooring: Kitchen floors can become slippery due to spills. Choose flooring materials with slip-resistant properties, and use rugs or mats in high-traffic areas. Promptly clean up any spills to prevent accidents.

  5. Emergency Contact List: Create a list of emergency contacts and post it on your fridge or another visible spot. Include numbers for poison control, local emergency services, and a trusted neighbor or friend who can assist in case of an emergency.


Cooking should be a delightful experience, not a perilous one. By incorporating these kitchen safety tips into your daily routine, you can enjoy your culinary adventures while ensuring a secure environment for you and your family. Remember, a little vigilance in the kitchen goes a long way.