According to astrology, there are certain combinations of planets and yoga present in one’s Kundali that determine the success of their marriage. If you want to know if these yoga are present in your Kundali, then read this article now!

In today’s time, everyone desires a good partner in their life and wants their love story to be romantic like those in the movies. This is not limited to just love, every couple dreams of having a successful relationship. However, sometimes disagreements between them arise. At times, it also depends on the position of the planets whether the rain of love will pour in their relationship or not.

As per astrology, Venus and Jupiter are responsible for making love and married life successful. There are certain planetary positions in Kundali that indicate whether a person’s married life will be full of love or not.

Let’s know about some important yoga and combinations in Kundali which indicate the happiness in married life of a couple. Some planetary positions and combinations are believed to create favorable circumstances for love and relationships. Some of these yoga are mentioned below:

  1. Shukra-Brihaspati conjunction: In astrology, the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter is considered very auspicious for love and relationships. It indicates that the couple will have a happy married life full of love and romance.
  2. Chandra-Mangal yoga: When Moon and Mars are in conjunction in Kundali, it is known as Chandra-Mangal yoga. It is believed that this yoga brings love, affection, and understanding between the couple.
  3. Guru-Chandra-Mangal yoga: When Jupiter, Moon, and Mars are in conjunction, it creates Guru-Chandra-Mangal yoga. It is believed to bring a happy married life, financial stability, and prosperity.
  4. Shukra-Mangal yoga: When Venus and Mars are in conjunction, it creates Shukra-Mangal yoga. This yoga is believed to bring passion, love, and physical attraction between the couple.
  5. Shani-Chandra yoga: When Saturn and Moon are in conjunction, it creates Shani-Chandra yoga. It is believed to bring emotional stability, understanding, and strong bonding between the couple.

It is important to note that Kundali predictions should not be taken as the ultimate truth. These are just predictions based on the positions of the planets at the time of one’s birth. A lot depends on the person’s actions and decisions in life as well.

Impact of Fifth House: The fifth house of Kundali is associated with romance, love relationships, and creativity. When this house is strong and favorable planetary positions are present, it can bring happiness and success in love life.

The impact of the fifth house is also related to children. People influenced by the strong impact of the fifth house can have a vibrant and romantic love life, but they may also be inclined towards dramatic relationships and situations. They may have a strong desire to have children and be involved in their upbringing.

Impact of Seventh House: The seventh house is associated with partnership and marriage. When this house is strong and favorable planetary positions are present, it can bring harmony, stability, and long-lasting relationships.

Moon in Seventh House: If the Moon is in the seventh house, it is considered a good combination for love and harmony in married life. It is believed that the Moon represents emotions and its position in the house of marriage strengthens emotional connections between husband and wife.

Jupiter in Seventh House: If Jupiter is positioned in the seventh house, it is believed to bring luck, happiness, and prosperity in married life.

Venus in Fourth House: When Venus is positioned in the fourth house, it can bring a happy and peaceful family life, and a comfortable and prosperous home.

Lord of the 8th house in the 12th house: If the lord of the 8th house, which represents marital bond and longevity, is placed in the 12th house, then it is considered an auspicious yoga for a long and successful marital life.

Good Navamsa chart: Navamsa chart is a divisional chart used in astrology to analyze marriage and relationships. If the Navamsa chart is strong and favorable, then it is considered a good yoga for a successful and happy marriage.

Lord of the 7th house in the 9th house: If the lord of the 7th house, which represents marriage, is placed in the 9th house, then it is considered an auspicious yoga for a successful and long-lasting marriage.

Presence of benefic planets: If benefic planets such as Jupiter, Venus, or Mercury are strong and well-positioned in the horoscope, then it is believed to enhance love, understanding, and compatibility between spouses.

What to look for in the horoscope before marriage?

In astrology, while checking the compatibility between two individuals before marriage, several factors are considered. Here are some of the main things that are analyzed in the horoscope:

Gun Milan: Gun Milan is a method of matching the horoscopes of the prospective bride and groom. It determines the level of compatibility between the two individuals, using a total of 36 criteria.

Mangal Dosha: Mangal Dosha is a condition in which the planet Mars is placed in certain houses of the horoscope. It is believed to cause obstacles and conflicts in married life.

Nadi Dosha: Nadi Dosha is a condition in which the Nadi or pulse of the bride and groom is the same. It is believed to cause health issues and marital discord.

Graha Maitri: Graha Maitri is a measure of the planetary friendship between the bride and groom. It is believed to influence their compatibility and understanding.

Other factors such as the position of the Moon, the ascendant, and the placement of other planets are also considered before finalizing a marriage.

Which yogas and conjunctions are not considered good for husband and wife in Kundli?

In Vedic astrology, there are certain combinations of planets that are considered challenging or potentially harmful for marriage and relationships.

Saturn-Mars conjunction: This conjunction can bring conflict, arguments, and a lack of understanding between the husband and wife. It can also lead to physical violence, aggression, and dominance.

Saturn-Rahu conjunction: This conjunction can create distrust, doubt, and instability in relationships. It can also cause a lack of commitment and loyalty after marriage.

Mars-Rahu conjunction: This conjunction can cause tension and conflict between the husband and wife. It can also lead to betrayal and emotional pain in the relationship.


  1. Regular recitation of Hanuman Chalisa can help reduce the negative effects of these combinations.
  2. Wearing a blue sapphire (Neelam) or coral (Moonga) gemstone, after consulting a knowledgeable astrologer, can also be beneficial.
  3. Performing charitable deeds can also help mitigate the negative effects.
  4. Feeding black dogs or crows can also be helpful in reducing the negative effects.

If you are facing problems in your married life and want to seek astrological solutions, contact the best astrologer at Future Point now.