Medication Treatments for Adult ADHD
Two types of medications are used to treat adult ADHD: stimulant and non-stimulant. While NICE guidelines state treatment must start with stimulant medication, lack of response should be considered in light of the diagnostic subtypes: Hyperactivity/Impulsivity might respond better to a non-stimulant and Attention deficit to stimulant medication. However, this is not a rule, and treatment should be individually tailored to the patient’s presentation and needs.
How do stimulants work?
Stimulants help the symptoms of ADHD in several ways. First, they increase dopamine levels in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure, attention span, and motivation. Stimulants can help people with ADHD with concentration and focus and decrease irritability and hyperactivity. Inspirations are legally ‘controlled’ drugs because they can be open to abuse and addiction. People will react differently to the different types, and it’s important to be closely monitored by your consultant psychiatrist to ensure you’re taking the right drug and dose for your condition.
Side effects can range from decreased appetite and weight loss to mood swings and sleep problems. So, it’s essential to communicate with your consultant psychiatrist and inform us if you regularly experience any significant adverse side effects.
How does non-stimulant medication work?
Non-stimulant ADHD medications are longer lasting, which means they only need to be taken once a day and can be helpful for people who also experience depression as they have anti-depressive qualities.
Atomoxetine (sometimes called Strattera) is the most commonly used non-stimulant. It can help people with ADHD by increasing noradrenaline levels. It increases the number of messages passed in the brain which in turn improves concentration and helps control impulses. Atomoxetine is generally used when stimulants are ruled out or ineffective.
Side effects of non-stimulant ADHD medication can range from decreased appetite and weight loss to sleep disturbances. So again, we recommend contacting us if you regularly experience any significant adverse side effects from your medication.
ADHD medication treatment options
Once you have a diagnosis of ADHD, there are several options for receiving treatment. It will depend on the services offered by your local NHS team. We advise that you speak to your GP when deciding whether this assessment suits you to ensure you understand where you can access ongoing treatment.
- Continue privately
- You may wish to continue with private treatment. It will involve several follow-up appointments with a consultant psychiatrist to start you on medication and monitor your progress and dosage levels. Usually, four or five positions are needed to get the ADHD medication levels stable and to check for side effects. The psychiatrist must see you fortnightly, moving to monthly, to ensure the medication has the desired result.
- NHS care
- Alternatively, you may return to NHS care, where your report will be shared with your GP, who can prescribe the ADHD medication you have been named and carry out the monitoring process. Not all GPs can do this, so we recommend you talk to them beforehand to clarify what is available in your area.
- Prescriptions
- You may wish, or need, to pay privately for your medication prescriptions – again, this is based on your personal preferences and what services are available to you via the NHS. Your GP should be able to advise. We cannot guarantee that your GP will happily prescribe our recommendations, but we are pleased to discuss this option with you.
- ADHD medication treatment options
- Once you have a diagnosis of ADHD, there are several options for receiving treatment. It will depend on the services offered by your local NHS team. We always advise that you speak to your GP when deciding whether this assessment suits you to ensure you understand where you can access ongoing treatment.
- Continue privately
- You may wish to continue with private treatment. Itwill involve several follow-up appointments with a consultant psychiatrist to start you on medication and monitor your progress and dosage levels. Usually, four or five positions are needed to get the ADHD medication levels stable and to check for side effects. The psychiatrist must see you fortnightly, moving to monthly, to ensure the medication has the desired result.
- NHS care
- . Alternatively, you may return to NHS care, where your report will be shared with your GP, who can prescribe the ADHD medication you have been named and carry out the monitoring process. Not all GPs can do this, so we recommend you talk to them beforehand to clarify what is available in your area.
- Prescriptions
- . You may wish, or need, to pay privately for your medication prescriptions – again, this is based on your personal preferences and what services are available to you via the NHS. Your GP should be able to advise. We cannot guarantee that your GP will happily prescribe our recommendations, but we are pleased to discuss this option with you.