As professionals, plumbers deal with emergencies on a regular basis. This means that they know how to quickly assess a situation and determine the best, safest solution. 

Plumbing issues like clogged toilets or leaking pipes can quickly lead to significant water damage. By calling a plumber as soon as possible, you can save yourself from expensive repairs later on down the road. 

  1. Leaking Pipes 

Leaking pipes waste gallons of water a day, costing you money. And if the leaks go unchecked for too long, they can cause extensive water damage to your home. 

If you notice a sudden drop in water pressure or puddles of water around your home, it could be an indicator of leaking pipes. These are signs of a serious issue that should not be ignored and requires the help of a professional plumber to resolve. 

There are many reasons your plumbing may be leaking. Some of the common causes include: 

Water pipes are usually made from metal and over time, they can start to corrode. Extreme temperatures, high water pressure, and changes in soil conditions can also affect your pipes. They can shift and break causing them to leak or even burst. If you have a visible leak in your house, you should immediately call a plumber to save water and money. Other red flags that it’s time to call a plumber include: 

  1. Clogged Drains 

If you have a drain that is constantly clogging, it may be time to call a plumber. Repeated clogs are an indicator of a larger problem, such as a broken pipe or sewer backup. A plumber can save you from the headache of trying to fix a clogged pipe with homemade remedies like liquid drain cleaners that aren’t effective and can cause further damage to your plumbing system. 

Another early warning sign of a clogged drain is a foul smell. Foul odors are caused by food and grease that has built up in the pipes. 

You can also notice a clogged drain if water levels are rising or there is a stain around a floor drain. Water can’t flow through a blocked drain, so it backs up into the sink or tub. This can waste gallons of water and lead to costly water bills. A plumber can quickly diagnose and solve the underlying issue. A sudden spike in your water bill can also indicate a problem with your pipes or water meter. 

  1. Sewage Smell 

The rotten egg smell of sewer gas is not only unpleasant, but it can also be dangerous. It is caused by a toxic mixture of chemicals that are the byproducts of decaying waste and is a fire hazard. It can also cause severe health issues including headaches, memory loss and even poisoning or asphyxiation.

The plumbing system in your home is designed to keep noxious gases from entering through drains, but these traps can dry up or become loose. A plumber can inspect your home for any potential problems and repair them before they turn into a major issue. 

The natural gas hydrogen sulfide that produces this rotten egg odor is usually directed out of your home through vents. If the rotten egg smell is coming from your drains it may be a sign that there are blockages or a broken pipe in the sewer line. A plumber can do a camera inspection to find the source of the problem. 

  1. Water Leaks 

Leaks are not only annoying, but they can cost you big money. They can also cause water damage and result in sagging ceilings, mold, and mildew. 

Because the piping that delivers freshwater into your home and drains wastewater out is often located in walls and underground, it is hard to spot early signs of leaks. However, a quick check of your water meter will tell you if the numbers are going up or down. If they are rising, there is a leak somewhere in your system. 

Leaks can be caused by temperature changes (like freezing pipes) or from wear and tear. Either way, you will save yourself a lot of money by calling a plumber in Melbourne before the problem gets worse. A plumber can help with all types of leaks, including those from your toilet or outside. In addition, he or she can assist with water-saving strategies. Ask about the installation of low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators to further reduce your water waste.